Tips To Save Yourself From Financial Frauds

 Indians are now becoming more digitally active and at the same time they are at increased risk of financial fraud.  A report states that one in four Indian customers becomes a victim of online financial fraud.  According to a report by global financial information company Experian, 24 percent of Indians have become victims of direct fraud in online transactions.

The telecom sector faces the highest number of online frauds at 57 per cent.  It is followed by banks (54 percent) and retailers (46 percent).  Moreover, Indians feel a more satisfactory position in sharing data with banks.  Share data with 50 Indian banks.  At the same time, only 30 percent share data with branded retailers.  On an average, 65 per cent of digital transaction users have opted for mobile payments as they find it convenient.  Only 6 percent of customers in India take security or precautions about the data they share.  In Japan this figure is the highest at 8 percent.

9  Powerful Tips To Save Yourself From                             Financial Frauds And Scam

 1  Change Your Password Regularly

Always keep a complex password.  Keep different login and transaction passwords for different phases of Internet Banking.  If you have not taken the facility of mobile notification for bank transactions, then take it immediately.  This will help you keep track of your account.

 The first time you login to your Internet Banking account, you will be required to use the password provided by the bank.  However, you will need to change this password to keep your account secure.  Also, keep changing your password at regular intervals.  More importantly, keep the password confidential at all times.

2.    Use Secure Internet  Connection For                                                 Internet Banking

One of the biggest dangers of open Wi-Fi networks is that a hacker can snoop between the end user and the hot spot and keep an eye on all your data.  The hacker sees an unsecured connection as an opportunity where he can easily deliver malware to your system.

 Therefore, avoid doing internet or mobile banking or making payments on e-commerce sites using public Wi-Fi.  If you use this type of network regularly, then set up a VPN software on your computer or mobile.  This will help in establishing a security between the computer and the internet connection.  With this hacker will not be able to hack your data easily.

3   Don’t believe every email or text                                                   message you receive

Money Winning / Extra Income Email Scam: This is sent to target people who are looking for jobs, looking for online earning avenues or are not aware of using internet.  In this type of mail, people are offered to easily earn huge amount by using the website of a big company.  In this, a large amount is offered in lieu of home job or small work, in which people can easily get trapped.

 Such fraudsters ask you to invest an amount, so that they can then transfer a large amount to you.  They also ask you for your bank details and say that they will deposit money in it. After this they ask you for an amount as the money transfer fee and ask you to transfer it online so that you are in criminal clutches  can get trapped.

4   Don’t use public computers for online                                            banking

Do not use cyber cafe or public computer for net banking.If you are using a computer on which someone else sits after you, then do not do net banking from there.  From here your banking details are more prone to theft.  If this is necessary, make sure that the browsing history and cache are deleted.  Along with this, delete all the temporary files from the computer.  Never click on the option to save your login ID and password on the browser.

5     Don’t share your bank details over

                      social media

Actually people register their complaint through social media then you can be victim of fraud then it is dangerous for you, customer care executive can bring out your personal information.

Thugs keep an eye on your such activity and do not share your mobile number, email id, address on social media.  Doing so can also cause your money to disappear.

6  Shop with reputable retailers

Internetsecurity is very important when shopping online.  This means that you should always buy from a trusted site.  If you pay from an unknown site, then your account may be emptied within a few hours after coming under the circle of cybercrime.  On the other hand, you will not be able to claim this amount when shopping from an unknown site.

If you are shopping online, then first of all keep in mind that the address of the website from which you are buying the goods should be https, not http.  Here this attached 'S' means guarantee of security.  This means that this site is not fake.  However, sometimes this 'S' letter is added to the website when it comes to making online payment.

7  Update Your Computer And Mobile                                                                Securities

Update your smartphone's operating system. Smartphone users should always keep in mind that their phone is equipped with the latest security patch and operating system.  You should not remove any security controls from your phone.  This is called jail breaking or routing.  Always give limited access while downloading apps and download only those apps which are very important.

8   Be mindful of your details or any                                    requests for money

Never send money or give copies of credit card details, online account statements or personal documents to anyone you do not know or trust .

9   Be vigilant with cashless transactions 


The biggest fraud with credit cards is that by knowing the front and back numbers of the card, any person can withdraw money by shopping online from that credit card, because transactions on offline and online sites outside India.  OTP is not called for.  Sometime when you apply for a credit card from a credit card to create a new credit card, your previous credit card details are asked, even if it gets leaked, you can suffer a lot.  And if you are not alert when the fraud people call, then those people can also get you money by trapping them in their trap.  Caution removed accident valley.


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