Conscious Menifestation

 We all know how deadly the consequences of negative thinking are.  You have to train your brain to stop these thoughts.  In fact your mind has been trained over the years for the state it is in at the moment.  Whether we are positive or negative, it is the result of that training.  The way you trained him, now he has to be trained in a new direction.  If you have resolved to convert your negative thoughts into positivity, then you can be successful by following these things:

 make a promise to yourself

 Promise yourself that you will be dedicated to 'this moment'.  This means that today, the moment that is now, is yours and you have to make full use of it.  The next moment that comes will also become 'this moment'.  With this thinking, your thoughts, mind and life will all be refined.  You can take a resolution like this, 'Whenever a negative thought comes to my mind, I will not consider it or resist it.  I will accept her in a normal way, sense her presence and eventually walk out of her.  I will make myself an expert in removing negative thoughts and bringing in positive thoughts.  I promise myself that I will make myself the most beautiful, positive and happy person.

 Principles of conscious manifestation

1  Move into state of being

                   Nothing is any particular way. 

Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional peace, with no worries, fears or tensions.  In this state, the mind is calm, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.  So, the term a 'peaceful mind' is used to describe a mental state in which there is mental and emotional peace.  It is a state where your mind is not stirred by worries and anxieties.  Mental activity is staged so as to experience calmness and calmness.  Instead of being bothered by the past or the future, your focus is on this present moment, now that you are alive.

Refuse to be a victim

 Life is not compassionate towardsvictims.

Use your negative experience as a teaching moment for someone who might be in a lower emotional space than you are. One you work through the feelings yourself, and rise above them, despite whatever happened to you… you can become a teacher to others and share your journey to self-discovery. And in the end, you will find the positive in an otherwise negative experience.

3  Practice inner work

       Reality is the manifestation of the inner          .                             workings

As long as there is a seed of sorrow within us, there is a seed of unrest, a seed of pain, then no matter how people change outside, no matter how things change, we will never be happy and no matter how hard we try outside, people, things, no  The whole world can change, even one person cannot change

 But if we change ourselves, then our whole life will change, if we fill life with the feeling of thanks, remove all the grievances, then there will be a wave of joy in life.

4   Create a clear vision

         Greatness starts with a clear vision                                      of the future.             

If you're trying to "do something," your focus is on concrete achievements.  Starting a business is focused on getting an A in your toughest class, competing in a bodybuilding competition.

 By focusing on doing something rather than being someone, you can do more and feel better about yourself at the same time.  The thing is, you need to stop reading self-help books that give useless advice about "how to be a better person" and defining a vision for your life.  Instead, pick a new project that excites you, find out what it will take to complete it, and get started.  If it's a crazy project and there's no way in hell you can really pull this off anytime, then pat yourself on the back.  You've got your first sight.

5  Filter Information

             How much does one imagine, how 
                                much observe                                                            

Filtering is what helps us deal with the vast amount of information available to us. We try to filter information so that we end up with something that is relevant to us – it helps us learn something, it helps us solve a problem, it helps us develop a new hypothesis about the world around us

This is not at matter of recall and brevity, we have genuinely deleted most things that were said! Are we aware of the topics and people we routinely disregard? Sometimes there is a conscious thought of “this doesn’t apply to me” or “I don’t need to worry about that”, but more often than not we are deleting without realising.

6 Meditate

                    Learn to be calm and you will                                                         always be happy

Meditation is an action in which one tries to bring his mind to a particular state of consciousness.  The purpose of meditation may be to gain some benefit or meditation may be a goal in itself.  'Meditation' refers to many types of actions.  ... 'Meditation' has different meanings in different contexts.

 Concentration is like a torch, light goes in one direction, darkness remains everywhere.  In the totality of meditation, rays of light move in all directions, there is no darkness left anywhere.

7 Tame the body

                            Tame the mind

Before controlling the desires under the control of the mind, we have to understand about the soul, the soul is very fine, it resides inside the bhrkriti (where the tilak is put on the dot).  There is mind, intelligence inside the soul, most of the people are not aware of it, because they have accepted the mind as everything and have connected the mind with the body, because the work of the mind is to think, desire, and you know desire.  It is never less, it is related to the body.  Now we should do this that the soul is the king and the mind is the servant, considering the soul as the soul, order the mind.  Only then can your mind be under your control.

8 Make it about the effort

No one succeeds without effort


If you do not get success even after trying again and again, it does not mean that you have lost or you will never succeed.

 Failure shows that the effort was not done completely. No matter if you fail, then have a strong intention, be determined, start preparing again. Find the shortcomings, where was the lack. Improve them, try again and again, how long will you fail,  Sure success will come.

 Remember, the steps of success are not achieved just like this, you will have to fight.

9  Control Your Thoughts

Life does not control you. What you believe about it, does.

It is not so easy to adapt thoughts. Thoughts are gradually controlled.  All passionate thoughts make the mind weak.  Many people are very upset with their thoughts.  They want to get their bad thoughts out of their mind, but those thoughts get stronger and stronger.  In such a state, sometimes man has been seen to be neurotic.

 This type of condition is the result of mental weakness.  This mental weakness arises from repeatedly allowing passionate thoughts to enter the mind.  By trying to keep thoughts under control at all times, the will power of man becomes strong.

10 Breakthrough self-limiting beliefs


                      Self-limiting belief


Decide what you want to achieve: Don't think about what other people want you to do.  Make your goals just for yourself.According to studies, when your goals are personally meaningful, your chances of achieving them also increase.

 This is the most difficult phase in the process of setting goals and achieving them.  what do you want?  The answer to this is a mix of your internal and external motivations.  Find a goal that brings balance to your life -- create goals that bring joy and benefit to you and those around you.

 Ask yourself some questions, such as "What do I want to give to my family/community/world?"  or "How do I want to proceed?'  These questions will help you determine the direction of your goal.

 It doesn't matter if your views are too broad for the time being.  You can also narrow these down later.


EvR said…
Another inspirational piece to start my weekend on a happy note! Thank you, dear Ritika, for sharing such kindness and beauty! I am going to share this on Twitter with a few folks as well!
Business woman said…
I am obliged to you for sticking by side with great encouragement. 

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