life changing facts of bhagavad geeta

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is a very holy book of Hindus. That part of Mahabharata, when Lord Krishna advised his confused friend Arjuna in the war of Mahabharata. At that time, Lord Krishna had explained the secrets of life to Arjuna through his statements, those statements are as important and showing the right direction in the life of every person even today as they were for Arjuna at the time of Mahabharata. If you are ever at a crossroads at any point in your life, then the answer to your every problem can be found in the Bhagavad Gita. lessons from bhagavad gita which teaches the very roots of our life 1 Man is made by faith, you become what you believe Trust yourself Our thoughts are powerful as what we think, determines the way we behave and simultaneously ...