Activate Your Chakras

According to Hindu and/or Buddhist belief, the chakras are huge (yet limited) pools of energy in our bodies, which control our psychological properties.  The number of main chakras is said to be seven in total;  Four in the upper part of the body, which control our mental qualities and three in the lower part of the body, which control our instinctual qualities.  Their names are:

                             Spiritual Chakras

 Root Chakra.  Swadhisthana (sacral) chakra.  Manipura (solar plexus) chakra.  Anahata (heart) chakra.  Vishuddhi (throat) chakra.  Ajna (third eye) chakra.  Sahasrara (crown) chakra.

 According to Buddhist/Hindu teachings, all chakras should contribute to the well being of human beings.  Our instincts will become attached to the forces of our feelings and thoughts.  Usually some of our chakras are not fully open (meaning they function as they did when you were born), but some are hyperactive or almost closed.  If the chakras are not balanced then one cannot establish peace with oneself.

 It is believed that once these chakras are awakened, nothing remains impossible for a person.

The Seven Main Chakras

Root Chakra -The centre of power

                               Root Chakra

This chakra is the base and root of the chain.  Bone marrow The spinal cord has six chakras intertwined in the links.  At the end of the crest is the Param Tattva, and at the end of the same crest where there is a network of many bones, there is the Muladhara Chakra at the anus.  With this chakra, Sushumna Nadi keeps sleeping like a serpent after hitting her horoscope.  This chakra is related to enjoyment .

 This chakra is located at the lower end of the spinal cord between the genital anus.  This chakra is related to the earth element and the vital senses.  Its symbol is a 4 petaled lotus (dark red colour).  These chakras are indicated by the lotus flower.  Beej mantra is long.  This chakra is awakened by the chanting of this Beej Mantra.  In its center is a red colored triangle which is in an inverted pyramidal position.  Whose pointed direction is downwards.

2  Sacral Chakra-Increases commitment                                and courage

                                 Sacral Chakra

The Swadhisthana chakra, which is located slightly above the Muladhara chakra and below the navel and is also called the center of the lower abdomen, is an indicator of another level of our development.  It is the place of the subconscious mind where all life experiences and shadows from the womb at the beginning of our existence are stored.  Explain that the element of Swadhisthana Chakra is water and its color is orange.  It is believed that when this chakra is awakened, all kinds of physical problems end.

 Any disorder in the body emerges due to the lack of water element and in such a situation, by awakening this chakra, one gets complete knowledge of the water element and it destroys all your physical problems.
 The word Swadhishthana is made up of swa+sthan, where sva means 'soul' and sthan means 'place'.  It is also called the center of our development, it is an indicator of a second level of our development.  It is the place of the subconscious mind where all life experiences and shadows from the womb at the beginning of our existence are stored.  Explain that the element of Swadhisthana Chakra is water and its color is orange.  It is believed that when this chakra is awakened, all kinds of physical problems end.

3     Solar Plexus Chakra-sense of                                         satisfaction

                             Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra envelops confidence, especially when you are in a group.  When it is open you should feel in control and have a good feeling of pride in yourself.  If it's less active: You tend to be passive and indecisive.  You may get scared again and again and it doesn't give you any reward.  If it's hyperactive: You tend to be arrogant and aggressive

Manipura or Manipuraka Chakra is related to the metabolic and digestive systems.  This chakra takes place at the navel.  It plays an important role in digestion, converting foods into energy for the body.  Its symbol is a lotus with ten petals.  The color matching the Manipura Chakra is yellow.  The main subjects that are governed by Manipura are personal force, fear, anxiety, opinion formation, introversion and transformation from spontaneous or basic to complex emotion, physically Manipura digestion, mentally private force, emotionally  Universally and spiritually controls the development of all the ingredients.

4   Anahata Chakra
                                 Anahata Chakra
Anahata Chakra (meaning invincible or open) or Heart Chakra It is the 4th main chakra of the human body.  Controls the state of deep relationships and unconditional love shared with others.  Since love is a healing force, this chakra is also believed to be the center of healing.  Altruism, love for oneself and others, forgiveness, compassion and happiness are the deep features of a balanced or open Anahata Chakra.  It has the power to fulfill desires and if the chakra is properly balanced and purified, then wishes are fulfilled quickly.

 This chakra is symbolized by a lotus with 12 petals (denoting the twelve divine qualities of the heart).  Its mantra is 'Yama' and the color is green.

Anahata is the back of sound (naad).  Concentration on this chakra can develop one's talent as a writer or poet.  The second power that emerges from the Anahata Chakra is the will power, which is the power of fulfillment of desires.  When you want to fulfill a desire, concentrate it in your heart.  The more pure your Anahata chakra is, the faster your wish will be fulfilled.

5 Vishuddhi Chakra - Gives effect in speech

Vishuddhi Chakra

The Vishuddhi Chakra is located in the throat.  Its mantra is 'Ham  The color of Vishuddhi is purple.  In this chakra our consciousness reaches the fifth level.  Its equivalent element is sky (space).  We can also translate it as 'Ishvara' (worldly), it means that this place should be full of energy.  The Vishuddhi Chakra is the starting point of Udana Prana.  Purification of the toxic substances of the body during respiration is the process of this prana.  It is because of this main function that the name of this chakra is derived.  Purification takes place not only at the physical level but also at the level of the mind and spirit.  The problems and sad experiences we have 'swallowed' and buried inside in life remain in our subconscious mind until we face them and solve them with intelligence.

 The deity of the Vishuddhi Chakra is the creator, Brahma, who is the embodiment of consciousness.  In meditation, when one's consciousness is absorbed in the sky, we gain knowledge and intelligence.  The animal symbolizing the Vishuddhi Chakra is a white elephant.  We also see the image of a moon in its picture, which is a symbol of the mind.

6  Ajna Chakra

                                Agya Chakra 
Ajna Chakra is located in the middle of the head, between the eyebrows.  For this reason it is also called the "Third Eye".  central, middle nadis). When the energies of these three nadis meet here and rise further, then we attain samadhi, the supreme consciousness.

 The symbolizing figure of the Ajna Chakra is a lotus with two petals indicating that at this level of consciousness there are only 'two', Atman and Paramatma (Self and Ishvara).  Shiva and Shakti are combined in one form in the deity idols of Ajna Chakra.  This means that consciousness and nature are already united in the Agya chakra, but they are still not integrated into complete unity.

The qualities of this chakra are Unity, Zero, Sat, Chitta and Ananda.  The 'eye of knowledge' opens within and we see the reality of the soul - hence the 'third eye' is used which signifies Lord Shiva.  The Agya Chakra is the back (place) of the 'inner Guru'.  It signifies intelligence and knowledge, which can be experienced in all actions.  The ego-based genius has surrendered to the rational force of the higher, moral conscience.  However, a blockage in this chakra has the opposite effect that reduces the power of one's vision and reasoning, resulting in delusions.

7 Crown Chakra

                               Crown Chakra

The seventh and highest is the spiritual chakra.  This chakra encompasses intelligence and integration with the universe.  When this chakra is open, bias disappears from your to-do list and you become more aware of the world and your relationship to it.  If it's less active: You tend to be not very spiritual and can be quite rigid in your thoughts.  If it's hyperactive: You rationalize things all the time.  Spirituality seems to come into your mind first and if you are really hyperactive you may neglect your physical needs (food, water, shelter).

There is no specific color or quality of the Sahasrara Chakra.  It is pure light, which has all the colours.  The energy of all the nadis becomes one in this center, like the water of thousands of rivers falling into the ocean.  Here the conscience is the back of Shiva.  The awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra means a divine miracle and a vision of the Supreme Consciousness.  Just as the night disappears with the sunrise, similarly ignorance is dispelled by the awakening of the Sahasrara Chakra.

 This chakra represents the aim of yoga—self realization and the realization of God, where the individual's soul is united with the consciousness of the universe.  One who attains this attainment becomes free from all karma and attains moksha – completely free from the cycle of rebirth and death.  In meditation the yogi reaches nirvikalpa samadhi (the highest level of samadhi) at the Sahasrara Chakra, where the mind becomes completely still and the knowledge, the knower and the knowable are merged into one and attain perfection.


Anonymous said…
Wow what a wonderful read my friend. The true and true dictionary definition of what it means to venture out, take risks as necessary and stay hyper focused on the task at hand, better known as success. Superb stuff here my friend, keep going.

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