Extend Yourself Beyond Comfort zone
If you go to any career counselor to get tips for success in career, then he will definitely give you an advice that if you want to do something, take yourself out of your comfort zone. Because only when you step out of your comfort zone will you be able to get new opportunities. If the parents do not let the young child out of the house, then the child will not want to work even at the age of 25. Therefore, if you want to go beyond the situation in which you are now, then first you have to resolve to leave that situation. He will have to make further efforts. How To Leave Your Comfort Zone And Enter Your Growth Zone 1 Don't You Ever Stop Dreaming Dream on, work hard, succeed." There is a saying that dream of touching the sky, even if you cannot touch the sky, you will touch the ceiling. It is true that it takes great thinking to become big. But it is also true that one cannot become a millionair...