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I Embrace Every Aspect Of My Life

 It is not always easy to embrace change. There are times in our lives when we feel that change is happening.  We want to oppose it, even if we are unaware it is bringing future happiness into our lives.  This is a very important point when learning to embrace change in your life seems difficult, uncomfortable and even undesirable.  Realize that the full effect of what you are doing and how it will enrich your life may not be apparent in this moment.  Understanding this can greatly affect your interpretation of what is happening and open you up to exploring the full spectrum of the situation that you have to offer. Here are some strategies to  help  us  embrace  and love  our  “true” selves: 1  Just be, and enjoy being           Do anything, but let it produce joy No need to worry about bad thoughts coming to your mind.  You just do one thing, that as soon as you wake up in the morning, you think o...