
Keep an eye on Bitcoin, security may also be in danger

                      B itcoin Cryptocurrency  The craze towards bitcoin currency and its steep rise in prices has brought it into the limelight in almost all countries including India.  Actually, bitcoin is an online currency based on cryptography program, which was founded by Satoshi Nakamoto.  The way to create new bitcoins is called bitcoin mining.  It works on blockchain technology.  In this technique, money is transferred directly between buyer and seller, ie this transaction does not require any third party like bank, money transfer etc.  Also, there is no service charge.  In countries where there are more people using the Internet, virtual currency transactions are happening more.  Not being regulated, central banks across the world are worried.  In India, the Income Tax Department has also started a search operation of virtual currency dealers in major cities in fear of loopholes...

Time is money

  There are many things you can recover in life, but time isn’t one of them. Don’t be quick to give away what you’ll never get back.         We Should Give Importance To Time   We know that money is precious.  However, we usually ignore another precious resource, time.  We should give importance to time as much as we value money- wasting it is like wasting money.  Here are some useful tips on how to make full use of your time to increase your wealth.  1. Create a Schedule  Just as a budget ensures money discipline, a calendar ensures time discipline.                               Create A Schedule  Impact: Visual programs help us stay focused despite distracting attention.  How to go about it:  List all your tasks and assignments.  Define priorities.  Estimate the time it takes for each task.  Identify time for vacation. ...

Positive Thoughts

  Positive  people, those who choose a good mood over a bad day, have a powerful advantage over negative thinkers. ... Because a  positive attitude  can do more than just make you feel good—it could also change your life.                               Positive People  Make a list of your past achievements:  Writing a list of your achievements will start believing in you.  Sit down comfortably and make a list of all the things in which you had achieved superiority at any time of your life.  Add the smallest things to it, such as your selection in the school team, or organize a party for a friend or family member.  When you have made your list, try to find patterns in your activities.  Recognize if you have consistently performed well in working, this will help you understand your skills.                  List of your pas...

How does social media affect creativity

 Social media apps have become a part of everyone's life today and who does not want more and more likes or shares on their posts.  Here we are telling you some tips to increase the organic reach of posts on social media apps like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.  Organic Reach means the engagement you have received on your post without paying.  Before proceeding a bit, understand how the algorithm of an app like Facebook works-  1) How was the engagement of friends on your post before this post?  2) What posts do your friends usually like?  3) Who has posted?  4) How likely are you to comment on this post?  5) What is the relevance of the post?  6) Negative feedback on the post? Ways to increase engagement on post  If you have written a post on which you are giving an impression of Angry, Facebook will think that people are angry with you.  For example, suppose you made a post on the abominations of terrorists.  Obviously,...

What is business communication?

  What is business  communication?   What should you look for?                  Business Communication  The term professional communication refers to the various forms of speaking, listening, writing, and answering whether done in person or electronically, both in and beyond the workplace.  In business communications, from meetings and presentations to memoranda and emails to marketing materials and annual reports, it is necessary to take a professional, formal, civil tone to best effect your audience, whether its members are your colleagues, supervisors or  Be customers    "What is good professional communication? It is writing or speaking that is accurate, complete, and understandable to its audience - that tells the truth directly and clearly about the data  Is. Doing so leads to research, analysis. Audience, and organization, language, and mastering the three interrelated elements of ...

Digital Age and Safety of social media account

  Follow these tips to keep your social media account safe           Keep your social media account safe   In today's digital age, there is hardly any person who does not have an account on social media.  Today social media has become a part of our everyday life.  Through social media we can interact with people sitting far away.  You can keep your opinion, so it is very important to keep a popular social media account like Facebook Twitter Instagram safe.  On social media, your personal photos are contacts videos and many such information that you would like to keep safe under any circumstances.   Every third person in the world has their own Facebook account                    Facebook Account   In today's digital age, Social Media has simplified our lives in many ways.  According to the latest data, Facebook has 2.38 billion monthly active users, which means that ev...

Skills Is A Technical Writer

                            Technical Writing  Have you ever wondered who writes instructional manuals for your fridge, AC or washing machine?  Who are the people behind the training guide who help you explain the working of your machines?  Technical writers do all this work.  Technical writers are also known as 'technical communicators' and create instructional manuals to convey technical information in simple and attractive language for the common people.  They research, collect and disseminate technical information for customers and manufacturers.  They are also called technical writers.  Nowadays technology is always updated, so companies related to technology and innovation field find it difficult to update customers about their product and their function, but technical writers make it very easy through simple words.  Actually, technical writers work to develop the manual, ...