
You Can Win

  Success is very important in the life of any person.  Man tries his best to get what he wants.  But it is also a bitter truth that not everyone can reach the ladder of success in their life.  In such a situation, it becomes necessary to understand the secret behind successful people to move forward in life.  Famous Indian author Shiv Khera's book You Can Win has been written keeping this aspect in mind on how to achieve success in life.  In which the successful sources of life have been described in a very interesting way.  So let's know in detail about this book The 8 principles of the success: What you need to succeed 1  Importance Of Attitude              Your attitude shapes your destiny." Self-confidence: When you develop a positive attitude, you will start feeling better about yourself. You will treat yourself with more respect and love, and this in turn will boost your confidence levels and inner strength. You will take on new challenges and come out of your self-

Here's how to use your energy

  When our mind becomes positive then we will experience divinity, because positivity is a sign of purity.  In the purity of the mind lies the ultimate happiness, the ultimate peace and the ecstasy.  Therefore the one who remains positive can move forward towards the ultimate.  Therefore it is very important for a person to get out of negativity.  To get success and positive thinking in life, one should avoid unnecessary arguments and quarrels.  Arguing on pointless things increases your stress.  So if you want to achieve something in life, you have to avoid it. Life is like an ever-changing flow, where in the midst of a lot of happiness, there are also sorrows.  The main reason behind this is our thinking.  Make positive thinking the basic mantra of life, then it can give us happiness in this world.  Negative thinking not only gives sorrow, but our every thought sows the seeds of the coming circumstances.  Why don't we keep positive thinking?  If we stay positive in difficult time

Program Your Negative Beliefs

  Negative beliefs can be a major obstacle in achieving success and happiness. These beliefs can hold us back from reaching our full potential and lead to self-doubt, anxiety, and depression. The good news is that negative beliefs can be overcome with some intentional programming. In this blog post, we will discuss how to program your negative beliefs and overcome self-limiting thoughts. Identify the Negative Belief The first step in programming your negative beliefs is to identify them. Negative beliefs can be subtle and ingrained in our thought patterns, so it's important to take some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Try to identify the beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals or that are causing you to feel anxious or unhappy.                       Quit thinking negative This will lead you to do something wrong on one pretext or the other.  This weakens our thinking ability.  It destroys our decision making capacity.  Due to the influence of nega

Extend Yourself Beyond Comfort zone

  If you go to any career counselor to get tips for success in career, then he will definitely give you an advice that if you want to do something, take yourself out of your comfort zone.  Because only when you step out of your comfort zone will you be able to get new opportunities.  If the parents do not let the young child out of the house, then the child will not want to work even at the age of 25.  Therefore, if you want to go beyond the situation in which you are now, then first you have to resolve to leave that situation.  He will have to make further efforts. How To Leave Your Comfort Zone And Enter Your Growth Zone 1  Don't You Ever Stop Dreaming             Dream on, work hard, succeed." There is a saying that dream of touching the sky, even if you cannot touch the sky, you will touch the ceiling.  It is true that it takes great thinking to become big.  But it is also true that one cannot become a millionaire just by dreaming.  Dreams seen for loved ones are more lik

TIips To Boost Self -Confidence

  Confidence is as essential for success in life as oxygen for humans and water for fish.  Without self-confidence, a person cannot step on the path of success.  Confidence is that energy, which gives courage to a person to face the obstacles, difficulties and troubles that come in the way of success  In the present time, if we have to achieve something, to show something in any field, to live life happily, then it is absolutely necessary to have self-confidence for all this.  Confidence is the power through which we can do anything.  With confidence our will power increases and with the power of determination our spiritual power increases. 9 Ways to Boost Your  confidence Level 1   Break your negative thought     Thoughts shape your reality                         Don't forget your ability Maybe the time is not right, maybe the realization of any of your mistakes bothers you day and night, but in the midst of all this, never ignore the qualities of your personality.  Remember your