10 Key Features of the Entrepreneurial Mindset

  Being an entrepreneur is not an easy task.  Even more so in Brazil, where difficulties arise on all sides and in the most diverse forms.  All political and economic instability, along with labor standards and one of the biggest tax burdens on the planet, changes the lives of those who take on a major challenge.

  What I have seen from my experience is the entrepreneur's mindset is the main factor influencing success or failure in a business.

  What is Mindset?

                     Positive Mindset

  Mindset is the mindset that each of us has in relation to life.  This set of mental attitudes directly affects our behavior and thoughts and is decisive for us to achieve success or not.

  The second is Carroll S. Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University in the United States, our mindset explains our optimistic or pessimistic way of looking at life and behaving in front of it.

  And any and all mindset can be changed.  Eventually, you can create new mental characteristics and patterns that you feel can help you meet your professional goals.

  Mentality Change-minded entrepreneurs believe that their talents and skills can be developed, if they are patient, focused and dedicated.

  Entrepreneurs with this profile are those who are destined to succeed, as they continually seek, overcome their limitations and improve their knowledge.

  And what are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneurial mindset?

  The following 10 key characteristics will address the successful entrepreneurial mindset, which is why I have seen with my experience.

  1 - They know where they                         want to go

  The main characteristics of a successful entrepreneur is a very clear vision of their goals.

  They know where they want to go, specifically.  They know how long it takes to reach their goal.  They know where it is possible to find where they want and why it is important to go there.


                                  Clear Goal

  They have a very clear picture of where they want to go and realize how they will achieve their goals.

  The first action with my clients is to clearly define their goals.

  After all, if you don't know where you're going, anyone's good, right?

   2 - Search Info

  A successful entrepreneur seeks information on a daily basis.  Whether it is information about your customer, whether it is information on the financial or operational performance of your business, or information on your team…

  Pursuing information creates security in decision making, which everyone running the business must do all the time.


                             Information Seeker

  This allows you to adjust the candles of your business, align with the wind, explore new markets and opportunities.

  And the discovery of information allows the next feature to have potential: planning.

3 - They are planned

  When there is no plan, there is no success in business, which calls for the discovery of information.

  You can know where you are going, but if you do not plan your trip, you will be subject to knowing how to face each step until you reach the desired destination.


                                 They are planned

  You must have a plan, which can be quite comprehensive or relatively short.  But better planning, better conditions for success.

  In order for the entrepreneur to plan and carry out, it is necessary that discipline and focus are given.  If you change plans every week, you won't get anywhere ... At this point, time control is something that gets enough attention in coaching processes.

  The plan also assists in one fundamental issue that breaks entrepreneurs early: the financial question.  One should not undermine financial planning, which can be the difference between being successful in business.

  4 - Take Risk

  Every successful entrepreneur has a relatively good ability to take risks.  And it should be emphasized that those risks are calculated.

  I have met entrepreneurs who were courageous and who threw themselves off the cliff without any analysis that their parachutes have folded up well… and this is not good for businessmen.

                                Risk Taker

  But, on the other hand, I also met 

entrepreneurs who were "frozen" for fear of taking a step and doing something wrong.

  Do you see yourself in some of the above two situations?

  I have noticed that the issue of risk taking is a very personal factor, and is often based on the facts in the entrepreneur's life story.

   5 - They Know Their Mission

  Every successful entrepreneur knows what his personal life mission is.  The clarity of what you want and the need to fulfill it on this planet brings a different meaning to your goals as an entrepreneur.

  Self-knowledge, which every successful entrepreneur must possess and seek, gives him the means to support diversity and move forward, because there is so much more to achieve on a personal level through success in his business.

e mission              

  I have had the honor of facilitating the process of discovering the personal mission of many entrepreneurs.  And when it arrives, everything changes for them.

  Aligning your personal purpose with your business greatly increases your chances of success.

  In addition to generating something very important within the entrepreneurial mindset: commitment.

  6 - Commit

  Are you committed to your business?

  I realize that there are entrepreneurs who are committed to their business.  They are busy with their goals, spending the time and energy necessary to achieve their goals, which are aligned with their life objectives.

                    Commitment and success

  Thy become leaders with their inner strengths, which shows their determination and firm commitment.

  They join those they work with to help those in need.  Do not pretend to do nothing else.

   7 - Communication

  Communication is essential for success in any aspect of our life.  And when it comes to entrepreneurship it cannot be any different.

     Good communication skill is essential 

 A good communication skill is essential for leadership, sales, negotiation, motivating, as well as many other factors that are critical to business success.

  8 - Related

  Having good communication, every successful entrepreneur belongs.  They have the skills to socialize, meet new people, integrate teams, networking, forming alliances and partnerships.  The relationship must be stimulated at all times.

                    Business related aspects

  I have some customers who were very shy.  Others had low self-esteem, felt unable to listen or even briefly introduced their occupation to the public.  And this created serious barriers to success as entrepreneurs.

   9 - Do more than expected

  There is something that makes all the difference for those who want to start and succeed: discovering the extra km.  It is running a bit more than planned.  It has to go forward.

  When you ask your client and provide a little more, you exceed his / her expectations.  And when you do this, you generate a difference of your business against the customer.

                       Do more than expected

  And it is the difference that makes the difference.

  For this, it is fundamental that planning lies in planning and internalization within the entrepreneur.  It should be a habit that makes it stand out from its competitors.

  Are you working out of your comfort zone?

  10 - Develop Yourself

  And the most important of all traits is that a successful entrepreneur develops all the time.

                        Develop Yourself

  Because he knows that success or defeat in his business is based on himself.  No one else is responsible for the victories and defeats that one achieves as an entrepreneur.

  Knowing this, he is constantly searching to learn about himself.  This makes self-knowledge and development of your skills a constant and regular practice.

  Realize that changing your mindset is changing the results of your business, being an investment that definitely comes back to you and those that make up your team.

  Change is a part of their lives and they have to face internal challenges, within themselves, skills they need to be the best version of themselves.


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