Brand Awareness And Social Media

Successful brands are frequently discussed on social platforms, and these conversations become vital to brand awareness and sales growth. Here are a few tips on how to use social media to increase brand awareness.

Choose the Right Platform(s) for Your Audience

Keeping up with all of the social media sites can be nearly impossible for many brands. The goal of social media marketing is to find your customers and your potential audience, so focus on the places where they spend the most time. Limiting your efforts to one to three sites will help to ensure that they’re manageable.

Deliver Content and Engage With Audiences

Don’t share or repost the same message and content between platforms. It’s vital to create content specific to the type of social media that you’re using. For example, Twitter is a place for short posts limited to 140 characters, and Facebook can often see better engagement with longer posts that accompany photos or videos. In comparison, Instagram is all about the quality visuals, and quick witty captions with emojis can go a long way.

Visuals will typically have a positive impact, regardless of which platform you choose. Facebook posts with images have 2.3x higher engagement than those without images. 80% of marketers use visual assets in social media marketing. The most common types of content are images (80%), videos (63%), blogs (60%), and live video (35%). Consider this when determining how to excite your audience, stand out from the competition, and connect with your followers. 

Encourage Your Audience to Share Your Content

Social sharing is one of the greatest powers of this type of marketing. Not only do you reach your immediate audience, but you reach their network as well. The act of sharing is received as a recommendation from a friend, family member, influencer, or peer, which is essential to convincing potential consumers to become customers.

People who enjoy reposting tend to look for humor, values-driven content, and posts that create an emotional attachment. Wendy’s marketing team earns shares and engagement through comical comebacks on Twitter that delights their audience enough to share the laughter. Remember to add social sharing options to your blogs, e-commerce store, and even certain email content so that your audience can share directly from those sources as well.

Connect With and Learn From Influencers

Connect with influencers who share your audience, complement your offering, and don’t compete with you to tap into established groups of consumers. Joint venture partnerships with influencers can vary in structure. They may include exchanging content, packaging bundled giveaway offerings, and developing an affiliate fee structure. How complicated and involved you want to make these relationships is up to you. Also, follow influencers who make sense with your brand to observe and learn from their posts. See what they discuss and watch engagement levels to see what types of content work with their audiences. Your team can use their popular posts to spark new ideas for your brand.

Mention Influencers, Partners, Customers, and More

Social media is about building a community, so don’t be stingy with your likes, comments, and shares. Developing a culture of engagement on your profiles will encourage others to do the same. Mentions are especially powerful. Customers and followers love being mentioned on social media. This simple act rewards your audience by making them feel recognized and appreciated. Mentioning partner brands or influencers can also earn you favors with other accounts that also aim to increase their following and expand their audience.

Maintain Relationships With Customers

Healthy customer relationships are essential to growing your brand awareness and boosting sales. When you engage with your customers on social media, you create an opportunity for their network to learn about your brand. Other followers or visitors can also learn more about your company and your professionalism by reading your responses to questions. If these responses are a good reflection of your company, they’ll help you build trust with your future customers.

Leverage Trends and Breaking News

If your marketing team can react quickly, your brand can leverage trends and breaking news to get discovered, entertain your audience, and encourage followers to share your posts.

Invest in Promoted Posts and Advertising

Unfortunately, social media is not the equal-opportunity landscape that it once was. Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms actively limit the reach of posts to your audience, leading to plummeted engagement across brands and accounts. To combat this, companies should invest in promoted posts and advertising via posts and stories. Ads that come across as organic perform best and lead to more conversions.

Always Measure Your Progress

As with every good digital marketing plan, remember to track everything possible with your brand awareness campaigns. Pay attention to engagement statistics on your social profiles to see how much reach and interaction your posts, ads, and other content are receiving. Track whether the visibility of your posts is trending upward or not and continue to experiment until you hit your stride. Tracking links on posts (e.g., will help you gather and analyze this information. Also, refer to your website analytics to determine where your referral traffic is originating.

To make this process easier on yourself, consider using software tools to help you analyze and optimize your social media activities. Platforms like Ahrefs help you observe what your competitors are doing well and learn how you can improve. Social mention tools can help you track any mentions of your brand on various social sites to see how much buzz you’re generating.

Successful brands are frequently discussed on social platforms, and these conversations become vital to brand awareness and sales growth. Here are a few tips on how to use social media to increase brand awareness.

Choose the Right Platform(s) for Your Audience

Keeping up with all of the social media sites can be nearly impossible for many brands. The goal of social media marketing is to find your customers and your potential audience, so focus on the places where they spend the most time. Limiting your efforts to one to three sites will help to ensure that they’re manageable.

Deliver Content and Engage With Audiences

Don’t share or repost the same message and content between platforms. It’s vital to create content specific to the type of social media that you’re using. For example, Twitter is a place for short posts limited to 140 characters, and Facebook can often see better engagement with longer posts that accompany photos or videos. In comparison, Instagram is all about the quality visuals, and quick witty captions with emojis can go a long way.

Visuals will typically have a positive impact, regardless of which platform you choose. Facebook posts with images have 2.3x higher engagement than those without images. 80% of marketers use visual assets in social media marketing. The most common types of content are images (80%), videos (63%), blogs (60%), and live video (35%). Consider this when determining how to excite your audience, stand out from the competition, and connect with your followers. 

Encourage Your Audience to Share Your Content

Social sharing is one of the greatest powers of this type of marketing. Not only do you reach your immediate audience, but you reach their network as well. The act of sharing is received as a recommendation from a friend, family member, influencer, or peer, which is essential to convincing potential consumers to become customers.

People who enjoy reposting tend to look for humor, values-driven content, and posts that create an emotional attachment. Wendy’s marketing team earns shares and engagement through comical comebacks on Twitter that delights their audience enough to share the laughter. Remember to add social sharing options to your blogs, e-commerce store, and even certain email content so that your audience can share directly from those sources as well.

Connect With and Learn From Influencers

Connect with influencers who share your audience, complement your offering, and don’t compete with you to tap into established groups of consumers. Joint venture partnerships with influencers can vary in structure. They may include exchanging content, packaging bundled giveaway offerings, and developing an affiliate fee structure. How complicated and involved you want to make these relationships is up to you. Also, follow influencers who make sense with your brand to observe and learn from their posts. See what they discuss and watch engagement levels to see what types of content work with their audiences. Your team can use their popular posts to spark new ideas for your brand.

Mention Influencers, Partners, Customers, and More

Social media is about building a community, so don’t be stingy with your likes, comments, and shares. Developing a culture of engagement on your profiles will encourage others to do the same. Mentions are especially powerful. Customers and followers love being mentioned on social media. This simple act rewards your audience by making them feel recognized and appreciated. Mentioning partner brands or influencers can also earn you favors with other accounts that also aim to increase their following and expand their audience.

Maintain Relationships With Customers

Healthy customer relationships are essential to growing your brand awareness and boosting sales. When you engage with your customers on social media, you create an opportunity for their network to learn about your brand. Other followers or visitors can also learn more about your company and your professionalism by reading your responses to questions. If these responses are a good reflection of your company, they’ll help you build trust with your future customers.

Leverage Trends and Breaking News

If your marketing team can react quickly, your brand can leverage trends and breaking news to get discovered, entertain your audience, and encourage followers to share your posts.

Invest in Promoted Posts and Advertising

Unfortunately, social media is not the equal-opportunity landscape that it once was. Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms actively limit the reach of posts to your audience, leading to plummeted engagement across brands and accounts. To combat this, companies should invest in promoted posts and advertising via posts and stories. Ads that come across as organic perform best and lead to more conversions.

Always Measure Your Progress

As with every good digital marketing plan, remember to track everything possible with your brand awareness campaigns. Pay attention to engagement statistics on your social profiles to see how much reach and interaction your posts, ads, and other content are receiving. Track whether the visibility of your posts is trending upward or not and continue to experiment until you hit your stride. Tracking links on posts (e.g., will help you gather and analyze this information. Also, refer to your website analytics to determine where your referral traffic is originating.

To make this process easier on yourself, consider using software tools to help you analyze and optimize your social media activities. Platforms like Ahrefs help you observe what your competitors are doing well and learn how you can improve. Social mention tools can help you track any mentions of your brand on various social sites to see how much buzz you’re generating.


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