Hard work doesn't just Happen .... Practice It.

Life gives opportunities to each person along with difficulties.  It is your job to take advantage of that opportunity and understand it.  Either you can choose a common life or you can choose the road which is chosen by very few people, that is, the path of pain and hard work will lead you to your goal and make you a successful person.  If you are ready to win, then do not be afraid of obstacles coming in the way.  Defeat your fears and chase your dreams.  When you start accepting your failure and suffering as a part of your life to achieve your dream, you will win.  The journey of hardship makes you strong to deal with every situation.  You can change your fate with this pain and difficulty.You have to Practice hard work you have to Practice effort

Try these tips to become successful faster

1. Practice Who You Wanna Be 

              Practice Who You Wanna Be 
 Everyone has a dream to become something in life, and they work hard to achieve it.  Dreaming is great because it helps us choose the right path and make us successful.  It does not waste your time and helps to perform at its best.

2 . Fail  For Success

          Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

When you have defined your goal, set a deadline and allocated resources and rewards, then after that it is time to act on it.  Break down for your success and work hard to achieve it.  Sometimes we are lucky and succeed without fail or even with minimal effort, but still, at other times, life can test us in every corner in every possible way.  If you fail, think again and plan again and try again.  If you fail again, try a different option and keep trying until the failures give up.

3 . Choose Excellence

     Excellence is to do a common thing in                            an uncommon way

Choose something that you have never done before and master it.  If you are really learning something, then after mastering it, you will feel that if you have strong will, then you can do anything.

 4 .  Prirotize  Yourself

            Self care makes you feel more                                             positive

Befriend yourself  Once in a while, understand yourself.  Do some self-nutrition.  Do anything with yourself, alone.
 Be with the right people, give and receive.  Stay around people who affect your life in a positive way.
 Do not stick to what has been done.  Which is over;  Move ahead.
 Be patient with yourself  Everything takes time, in which you must become the best version to change yourself.
 Change is most effective when you start living and living your life to the fullest.  If you notice, the most important word here is 'lead'.  You have to lead your life, not let it lead you, to achieve what you want.

5 .   Read  And Write

The best way to check yourself is to avoid suppressing your curiosity.  Do not skimp on the hard work of knowing the answers to the questions that arise in your mind.  Turn the pages of books, ask people about the right book, if you want to write on a topic, then read something on it, do not make a decision by watching a TV program on a document, read that document yourself, then make your opinion with independent thought.

                         Read And Write

 After reading a poem, story or prose, think about it or reflect.  Think a little about him, why the writer would have written such a thing, what the circumstances might have been in front of the writer, what the writer wants to say, whether the writer is able to say his words effectively, etc.  With such an effort, you will remember the contents of the book you have read and its main points.

6. Be supportive

       Strong people don't put others down                       

People show emotional support for others by providing genuine encouragement, reassurance, and compassion.  This may include such things as verbal expressions of sympathy or physical gestures of affection.

 Emotional support can also come from other sources, religious or spiritual sources, community activities, or even your pets.  Whatever form it takes, this support can improve one's attitude and general well-being.

7. Live Out Loud

                     Live out Loud

The crowd always walks on the road which seems to be the way, but this does not mean that the crowd always walks on the right path.  Choose your own path because no one knows you better than you.

 8.  know your own value 

It is not right to value yourself, but it is the most important. If you do not give importance to yourself, then I think no one else will give you that much importance.

                           Value Yourself

 If you value yourself, it shows or shows that you trust in yourself, you believe in yourself. This is what we call self-confidence. According to me, if you do not value yourself.  So you will not give importance to others so that your personality will not be as powerful as you want to create.

9.   Empower Yourself

     No one can make you feel inferior                        without your consent

If  you want to real success in your life, never make others a part in your dreams and success, because those who allow others to come in their life, their dreams are never fulfilled, they are only half incomplete and contented success.  Get it .. become your own master and master .  As soon as you have taken care of your own steering family, friends, enemies, wife children or anyone else, the same control comes into their hands and your energy as their slave.  It is left and they can take you on any path, leave it, crash it or give it to you forever and this is your defeat !!

10.  Keep doing the right thing

                Always do right things                

Efficiency describes what time, effort, or cost is used for the intended task or purpose.  It refers to doing things correctly.  This is a mediocre concept;  This can be determined proportionally by the input of the output.  Efficiency is all about focusing on the process and the 'means of doing things' is given importance.  Efficiency is based on the principle of the current situation.  Therefore, thinking about the future, adding or eliminating any resource can spoil the current state of efficiency.  Being skilled requires a lot of discipline and hard work.  This helps to build inflexibility in the system.  Efficiency is about getting everything right;  This calls for documentation and iteration of the same steps.  However, doing the same thing again and again in the same way is considered to discourage innovation.  It avoids mistakes and errors.  Efficiency is considered a performance indicator of any organization.


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