Make Yourself Valuable
Always be in beta
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.
Be in beta. Do things badly. Abandon perfectionism. Following this advice can seem nearly impossible when pitte against our identity. But when we allow ourselves to go into the rapid iteration of trial and error, like a child learning to walk, the feel -good neurological response just may charm away the snake of a strangling ego.
Develop Coping Mechanism
Lying is not only a defense mechanism; it's also a coping mechanism and a survival technique.
Cognition refers to the internal processes and products of the mind that lead to knowing. It includes all mental activities - meditating, memorizing, communicating, classifying, planning, thinking, problem solving, creating and visualizing. Certainly we can increase this list easily because almost any work done by humans involves mental processes. Our cognitive powers are very important for sustenance. Other species have the advantage of camouflage, feathers, fur and unique speed in adapting themselves to the changing conditions of the environment. On the contrary, humans depend on thinking by which they not only adapt themselves to their environment but also transform it. Due to our extraordinary mental abilities, we become superior among all the creatures of the earth.
Think long term
Long-term goals should always be special. Therefore, you can make a successful plan to achieve the end goal. A long-term goal means walking in a direction where you can realize your dream after years. To make the goal come true, you have to divide it into two parts.
Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.
Take small work at first and work hard on it. After this, analyze your work every day and see in which case you are going ahead and in which case you are behind. If you have caught your mistake once, then it becomes easy to correct it.
Helping others - purpose of life
The aim of human life is to help others with our mind, words and body. It has always been observed that people who help others experience less stress, mental peace and bliss. They feel more connected to their soul, and their life is satisfying. While the competition stresses oneself and others.
Selfless giving is the art of living
The secret science behind this is that when one uses his mind, words and body to serve others, then he gets everything. He never lacks worldly comforts. Religion begins with observing nature. When you do something for others, happiness starts at that moment.
Stand for something
Unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.
A symbol is anything that stands for, or represents, some- thing else. In a story, a character, an action, an object, or an animal can be symbolic. Often these symbols stand for something abstract, like a force of nature, a condition of the world, or an idea
Use fear as motivation
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Being inspired relates to the fact that you do something well. You are motivated to work, you do so with excellence, wishing for the results of your business, meeting deadlines, wanting customers or suppliers, being honest with your commitments. When you are motivated, how tasks become more enjoyable and easier to perform. It is very important that organizations look after the motivation and well-being of the worker, promoting activities that seek to stimulate and engage, as everyone wins. Humans also have to know and discover themselves, everything is not something that inspires someone who will inspire another. Being well motivated will enable you to do your best in all walks of life.Use fear as a motivation
Balance in all aspects of life
Why is there a need for work-life balance in your life or what is the importance of work-life balance.
To maintain your mental health. If we do not balance between our professional and personal lives, we will feel mental torture somewhere and we may feel mentally unbalanced.
This increases productivity. Certainly, it will increase your productivity .
Live a life that is well balanced; don't do things in excess.
Work-life balance will make you become more rounded individual. This is something that will enable your personality to manage everything within the time zone.
Next is that you only get one life. Therefore, it is also important to enjoy your life in time. Balance it with the things that matter and are important to you.
Perform with purpose
The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder
What is needed to achieve your goals? It is certainly beautiful to dream of achieving goals but it is also necessary to know what to do to achieve them. You start somewhere and that is your starting point where you are at a particular time and from there you take the first step towards your set goal which is your destination. It is also necessary to find out what is important to make the journey to reach your goal a success. You should make a conducive effort to achieve your goals and your effort should be in line with your goals.
Keep up with the change
Whenever a person is doing well in his career, he feels that he is the smartest person in the world. He begins to believe that he knows everything. . Being clever here does not mean knowing everything. Rather it means that you should learn what you do not know. You should get into the habit of asking the right question and checking its answer. Accept what you do not know with humility and make a habit of learning. Never ask anyone to ask or learn anything because you do not become small by seeking help.
Be the change that you wish to see in the world
By evaluating yourself, you can improve yourself a lot. For this, you should evaluate yourself with values of humility, ability to work with an open mind, empathy, a good listener, talk comfortably and work together. How do you behave when you attend a meeting? With this kind of understanding of your behavior you can overcome your ego.
Make yourself indispensable
Good workers are always in demand. But it’s also not enough. Each new wave are making themselves more and more disposable. So it’s your job to make sure you’re too valuable to lose.
Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.
One of the most important things you should be aiming for in your career is to make yourself indispensable. What does this mean? It’s simple - it means building up a strong reputation for yourself to show that provide a positive impact to your work environment.
Human life is valuable, both good and evil exist in man. If we want to make our life a paradise, then we must embrace the good and forsake the bad things. Only then our life can become heaven.