Be willing to Be misunderstood

 To control your emotional response, be sure that only able women and men have to face criticism.  If you have a concrete goal in your life, if you are committed to achieve your goal and you want to create a new path then you will definitely have to face opposition and hostility.  All the great men of the world have faced criticism, the hostility of their contemporaries.

 The second step to face criticism is to become wise.  Listen to the criticism and then consider its purpose.

We need to be prepared to go against the grain to build the life we want to live.

Top 10 Rules Of Marketing Success

1 Focus On Your Customer

      To keep a customer demands as much                                     skill a to win one

Customers are the most important part of any business.  These customers of yours, determine the extent of your profit and loss, respect and fame.  Without getting customers, no business can grow, but getting them back for their facilities or products is one of the hardest things to do.  You have to adapt to the needs of your customers, some basic amenities and the steps to be taken to bring them back.

2 Be Resourceful

        The human being is very resourceful

Human resource planning is a process of determining and assuming that the organization will have a sufficient number of qualified individuals, who are available at the appropriate time, who perform tasks that meet the needs of the enterprise, and for the person involved  Provide satisfaction. "

3 Love What You Do

              Never continue in a job you don't                                                       enjoy

People who have not loved the work, they leave it in the middle because they are sensible.  That's right, why would you like to do something you don't like?

 So it is a matter of hard work.  If you do not like the work, you will fail.  That's why you have to love your work and you have to have passion.

4.  Start Small

Small things sometimes mean a whole lot

The journey of thousands of miles begins with a small step 'This saying means that great achievements are made through a small but concrete solution.  Life's goals and dreams are achieved only by making a plan and taking the first step towards it.  The first step is the most important because you may have big plans, but they will not materialize until you take that first step.  Therefore, it is true that no matter how long the journey is, it starts from the first step.

5 Learn How To Deal With Critics

         When criticized, consider the source

No human is perfect.  Mistakes happen the most.  We learn from those mistakes and improve ourselves.  It has been said that failure is the greatest teacher of a person.  Forget unnecessary criticisms If someone is criticizing you unnecessarily, it is better to forget it.  Do not let unnecessary criticisms dominate your personality.  Henry Ford has suffered from blatant criticisms many times in his life, but never cared for it, instead he laid the foundation for the Ford Motor Company.  He only listened to his customers and with his suggestion, Ford revolutionized the field of automobiles.  He even drove a normal person to the car.

6.  Be Effective

        Focus on being productive instead of                                                  busy

The most suitable time for work Some people find the right time in the morning to complete important tasks, while some find the right time in the afternoon when the efficiency is at its highest.  Understand your compatibility in this regard and make an action plan accordingly.  Creating a list, setting goals, assigning work correctly and maintaining the focus on the task can make your effort to get them done in a reasonable time can give you the desired results.

7 Follow Your Intuition

              Intuition is seeing with the soul

Only you know what you really want.  And to get what you want, you have to follow the path guided by your intuition.  People refer to it as following your heart, or gut.  The truth is that, except for your brain, no other body part is going to make decisions for you.  But one near the brain

 The conscious mind is as we know it, but a super powerful sub

 The conscious mind that we often forget.

 When we use words like "going through the gut" or "following the heart", what we really mean is that we have to rely on so much input on the decision made by our subconscious mind that you conscious mind  Cannot handle

Act On Your Great Ideas

             Ideas are the beginning points of
                                 all fortunes

Planning is the only way to make any business successful.  There is very little chance of the business being successful in the business in which planning is not done.  So when you have done research on an idea, now there is a need to plan for the business.  Write down all the things related to your business in a diary.  This will give you an idea of ​​how much this business will cost.

9 Be A Visionary

             Visionary builds what dreamers                                         imagined

In any industry, they become reckless kings.  Who get trened by visionary thinking.  Which has the art of knowing the results. Also those who have visionary thinking.  If the current business is on the verge of failure, then one should not be sad.  Rather, think about the coming trened (business trened). Find out which business can be successful next.  Or which business will be trending? In most 10 or 20 years, the business keeps changing trened.

10 Be Willing To Be Misunderstood

              Be Willing To Be Misunderstood

It is human nature that we do not see our own mistakes quickly, if someone tells us about our mistakes, then we should consider it a favor, not be angry with it.

 Teachers, parents and friends often criticize you, so that you can improve your mistakes, if someone tells about mistakes then become aware and make corrections.  Friends,  entrepreneurs also consider criticism as a bonus point for themselves.


               Innovation distinguishes between                                 a leader and a follower 

Innovation management is the management of innovation processes.  It is an innovation of both product and organizational.  Innovation management is a process that transforms a creative idea into a useful product, service, or method of operation.  In innovative management, managers and engineers must not understand processes and goals with a common understanding.  Innovative management allows the organization to respond to external or internal opportunities, and use its creativity to present new ideas, processes, or products.  It does not run in research and development.  It involves workers at every level in making constructive contributions to the product development, manufacturing and marketing of a company. The manager has to bring innovation to bring change in the organization.


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