Don't Regret Anything In Life Ever

 Regret is due to failure in doing some work or when we have made a mistake knowingly or unknowingly.  If we look at an infant, we find that he repeatedly tries to stand up, holding on to some support.  And by doing so, he learns to sit, get up and walk.

 Even after failing to fall repeatedly, there is not a single wrinkle on his face.  He doesn't even know what any remorse is.  We are talking about our own infancy.  When we did not regret being children, then what are we regretting as adults.

 Mistakes are made by humans, mistakes are made by humans and only human learns from mistakes.  A wise and mature person will say that only one who, having made a mistake once, decides in his mind that the same mistake should never happen again.

10   Reasons Why  You Should  Never Regret                                                       Your Decisions

1   Believe In Yourself

               If you believe in yourself anything is   possible

As long as there is breath, there is hope When hope is destroyed, what is left in life?  If all enthusiasm has cooled down, then everything is deserted, everything fades, everything becomes joyless.

 Some people are so soft and delicate that if their enthusiasm breaks, they cannot control themselves.  A single failure takes them away.  After that they just stop trying.  The result of which is that they remain a person of the middle class, whereas they had the ability to become the best or first class human being.

 He stopped climbing the heights of life, so he remained at the bottom.  He halted his progress.

2   Work Hard

                             Hard work beats talent 

Success is not a gift or gift by chance.  If there is a lack of discipline in your life, then your chances of being successful are lost.  Even if you have been successful, yet without discipline you cannot maintain your success for a long time.

Hard work  is the real wealth of man.  Success is impossible without hard work.  Success kisses the feet of the person who works hard in this world.  hard working people turn even clay into gold

3  Stay Hungry For Success

Failure will never overtake me if my determination is strong enough to succeed

                     Stay hungry. Feast on success

Every person has made a limited circle for himself, while living in which he does all his work.  But successful people do not live in any limited circle, rather they increase their circle every day and take such tasks in hand which they have to step out of their comfort zone to do.

Successful people go out of their comfort zone and learn new things and gain new experiences and their courage to try new things increases their skills and they keep on moving forward.

4  Be Your Own Individual

          Follow your inner moonlight; don’t                                              hide the madness

It is not the right thing to give importance to yourself but the most important thing is that if you do not give importance to yourself then I think no one else will give you that much importance.

 If you give importance to yourself then it shows or shows that you believe in yourself, you have faith in yourself. This is what we call self-confidence.  So you will not give importance to others which will make your personality not as powerful as you want to make

5  Be Willing To Commit


      Focus on commitment, not motivation

 How committed are you to your goal?  How important is this to you, and what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve it?  If you find yourself fully committed, motivation will follow.

 Here's how to focus on commitment.

  Seek knowledge, not results.

 If you focus on the excitement of discovery, improvement, discovery and experimentation, your motivation will always be fuel.  If you focus only on the results, your motivation will be like the weather - it will die the minute you hit a storm.  So the key is to focus on the journey, not the destination.  Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve.

6  Do What You Love

      If you do what you love, you’ll never work a                                         day in your life

The point is very clear and meaningful.  Often, if the thinking of a common man is assessed, then this will be known.  Most of us have this complaint that man, I got stuck there, it is very boring work, but what to do and there is no other way.  You have to do something to run the house.  This thing is said by only those people who have no love for their work.  Just go on doing it.  As a result, they are forced to lead a normal life throughout their lives and are never able to progress much.

 Whereas on the other hand many psychologists of the world have proved in their research that if you do the work of your choice then you can reach the ultimate height of success.

7   Be Prepared To Make Sacrifices

                    Sacrifice is a part of life

To be successful, you have to pay a price, like a student has to pay the price of hard work to get good marks in the examination, similarly, by paying the price of everything, the happiness of that thing can be obtained, the road to success is at every turn.  But it demands sacrifice, sometimes we have to sacrifice our family time and sometimes sleep, some habits.

The sleep of the day, laziness, anger and one's weaknesses etc. must be sacrificed.

8  Challenge Yourself

  Challenge yourself to be an example of         change

There is a fine line between challenging    yourself and overwhelming yourself.

The challenge must be accepted.  The goal can be achieved only by accepting the challenge.  Challenge encourages the goal.  Those who are afraid of the challenge or do not accept it, they can never achieve success in the competition.

9  Define Success For Yourself

      Define success on your own terms

Success is expansion, growth and acceptance.  Success is an establishment.  Success is a journey, not a destination or a destination.  For success, it is very important to have passion, mania, before getting ready for effort and success takes a stable shape at last, then it is also necessary to maintain that flow.

It is necessary to achieve success - we need to be self-dedicated towards our goal and work tirelessly for it. Hard work is worthwhile only when our inner qualities keep motivating us continuously.

10  Have Fun

     Life is either a daring adventure or                               nothing at all

 Human beings have three types of feelings.  There is one feeling of sadness, one feeling of happiness and one feeling of joy.  Happiness and unhappiness are experiences from outside, whereas pleasure is experienced from within.  If we get what we want from outside, then there is a feeling of happiness.  And if it is not found then there is a feeling of sadness.  Happiness is a feeling and sadness is also a feeling.  Happiness!  There is absence of suffering and suffering!  Happiness is the absence.  Pleasure is the absence of both pleasure and pain.  The state of bliss is such a state of mind, when it is not affected by any event happening from outside.

 Do not try to get happiness from wrong tendencies for the sake of feeling bliss.

 From a simple point of view, happiness is that feeling of the mind, which is felt when a desire is fulfilled.  The activities that bring happiness to a person, he wants to repeat them again and again.  Happiness should be tried with positive thoughts.


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