Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success

Elon Musk

Alan SpaceX Founder, CEO and Chief Designer;  co-founder, CEO and product architect of Tesla Company;  Co-Chair of OpenAI;  is the founder and CEO of Neuralink and the founder of The Boring Company.

 I want to tell you something.  I know that in the field of business every person has his own dreams, everyone wants to live life in his own way, wants to see himself successful in every aspect of life or we can say that every parameter of life is very beautiful.  ways are.  want to cross!  We want to lead a successful life.

 But don't ever think that what is real success?  After all, what is the meaning of success?  I do not understand on what basis we can judge our success, after all, what is it that makes us successful in the true sense!  The truth is that we always think so high but do nothing for our dreams, just lead a normal life and keep cursing our status.

Elon Musk's 10 Rules For Success

1  Work Like Hell

                                       Work Hard

Hard work never goes in vain, but the question is whether what you get after hard work do you consider it your success or not.  Sometimes people go on working hard without any direction, the fruit of that hard work will not reward you for success, but you do get something or the other.  To be successful, first set the definition of success for yourself, this will give right direction to hard work and you will get your destination.

2   Have A Hogh Pain Threshold

                               High Pain Threshold

A person with a high pain tolerance can deal with more pain than a person with an average or low pain tolerance. The concept of 'pain tolerance' is different from a person's 'pain threshold. ' Pain threshold is the point at which a stimulus becomes painful.

3  Critical Think

Think before you speak. Read before you                                   think

You can reduce your thoughts through meditation.  They can be given a positive direction. But thoughts cannot be completely eliminated.  That is possible only in Samadhi.  So meditate more and more and adopt positive thoughts in life.  You will find a positive change in you very soon.  Remember, do not fight with ideas, but accept whatever ideas come.  You cannot win by fighting with bad thoughts, only focus on good thoughts, read good books, watch good audio videos.  Keep company of good people, it is in your hands.  This will bring a beautiful change in your life.  If you try to eliminate the thoughts, they will bother you again and again.

4  Add Value to Society

                             Add Value                         

  • Values ​​are an important component of a person's behavior or moral code of conduct.  The interpretation of value varies from region to region.  Values ​​refer to the deepest ideals. In fact, what is demanded in the economy has as much value, what is inappropriate in ethics is worthless and what is beautiful in aesthetics is valuable. For example, peace, justice, tolerance, joy, honesty, punctuality, discipline, respect for elders are well-known values. Values ​​are necessary to make social life possible and best. These values ​​developed through various institutions are deeply ingrained in our mind. Values ​​form the character of the individual and the character of the citizens forms the character of the nation.
5   Take Risks

         Take Risks In Your Life If You Win

The biggest risk of life is to make a separate identity among people and this risk must be taken because if you have not taken this risk now, then there is no use for you to come to earth, so names are made from risks only if you  If you take a risk then you make your name, if you do not take the risk, then you also live like that common person after living 50 years of life, no one will know why you came, why did you leave.  Take whatever risk you have to do to make yourself stand out.

6  Have A Great Product /Service

                          Customer Service

Product Managers must work in their challenging roles as part entrepreneur, part general manager, part process specialist and part diplomat.  They bridge various functions to bring their products to life and they make key feature, function and pricing decisions throughout the lifecycle of their offerings.

Everyone in an organization often talks about customers often referring to them in general.  In reality, not all customers are the same.  Product managers work to develop a unique profile for each specific customer group they serve or wish to attract.  As long as the specific characteristics of each personality are meaningful, the product manager can guide various actions to develop specific practices and marketing approaches.

7  Attract Great People

  Your mind is a magnet.  you attract who you                                     are

Authenticity is the quality or reason of one's personality on the basis of which one can trust another person.  If there is a lack of authenticity in a person's life, then neither he will be able to attract any person nor the person who is in contact with him now.  Only them will be able to keep them with you for a long time.  Therefore, we should try that the next one in our life, our words must have a feeling of authenticity.  Therefore, attract people by adopting authenticity in life.

We always attract the same kind of energies. Suppose I’m a foodie + dog-lover then 90% of my friend circle will consist of Foodies+ dog-lovers naturally. We naturally gel up with those people who have the same taste as ours. Our personality, behavior, mood, career, choices and many such things are influenced by the people in our circle.

8  Constantly Seek Criticism

                        I like criticism. It makes you strong.

Man is anxious to hear the praise of his every work.  But it is not necessary that it is always so, sometimes the shortcomings can come out.  So one should be ready for criticism.

It is necessary to achieve something big. Keeping our self-confidence, we should accept criticism with a healthy nature, because with time we also get used to this.  Which criticism is justified.  And which and which are inappropriate.  Who should accept. And who should be rejected and left.

 If someone exposes our mistake, instead of getting angry, they should accept it.

 Keeping our emotions under control, listening to our criticisms, reflecting on them, rectifying the shortcomings enables us to move forward.

9  Don't Follow The Trend

             I don't follow trends. I set my own Rules              

We should not treat social media as a platform for Personal Branding. My kind opinion is that, we should rather use them as a medium for sharing good thoughts, raising awareness on social issues, organise or participate on social movements and many more we can do.

Just continue to be yourself even if it means being different or worse being alone. Although for sure you will meet like-minded people whom you can share your ideas with and agree to your notion.

10  Overcome Critics

               Boredom, after all, is a form of                                                               criticism

Ignoring people's words, you should only focus on your set goal, when you will achieve your goal, then the people who bother you will have to praise you, your success will force them to do so.

That is, somewhere your critics are your biggest helpers in your progress and somewhere critics are also the measure of our progress.

 I think the easiest thing in the world is to 'criticise' Sometimes this criticism drives us into the pit and sometimes lifts us up even more. The biggest difference between this up and down process is the difference  Our point of view..that is, how do we take criticism.

 That's why whenever such an opinion is received, it is best to brush aside that opinion with a smile, because there are other issues in this life.


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