Money Is only A Tool. It Will Take You Wherever You Wish

 If you think that earning money is a difficult task then it is not right.  Running it is more difficult than earning money.  If you do not have financial savvy, time constraints or you do not choose the right investment options then you may soon fall into the cycle of poverty.  You should know how to use your money wisely. If you know a way to earn money, then it is not necessary that you know about saving and investing.  You should take help of financial advisor to invest and earn better returns .

              Money often costs too much

9 Rules Of Money

What do you need to know to get rich

According to me, any person can become rich, but have you heard that an illiterate person has become very rich, it is not possible soon, some people may be exception, but the first thing to become rich  Yes, studies, and I am not just talking about school education, school education is necessary, because without school education, you cannot even get a degree, friends, along with this you have to study the market,  Don't worry, this is not a course.

 Studying the market means studying the people around you, if you know about a successful person who lives near you, learn about his hard work and style, then automatically you will understand,  That's how people are succeeding in the market, by the way, here by market, I mean the society, that is, it is most important to study the society.

What are the rules of getting rich

The rich can be the one whose money can earn money, so it is important to invest the savings properly.  If there is business, then increase the business, otherwise invest in the stock market or whatever good means of investment you know.  If there is business and margin is good, then you can increase business by taking loan but there is a need to become Mukesh Ambani and not Nirav Modi because both the avenues are open.

Let me add one more thing.  People understand that in today's start-up era, a good idea is enough, but the truth is that whether it is Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, they did not get the idea.  The imagination was someone else's but the rich became the one who made the other's imagination come true. 

3 What are the best money rules

The very first way is to regularly save a part of your income and invest it in the right place from time to time.

 If you work then try to fulfill your goals so that you get incentive money in return, which will be your extra income which instead of spending it, invest in the right place.

 If you do any business, then think about where and how the expenses can be worked out, believe that just like a small hole in a vessel makes that vessel empty sooner or later, similarly small expenses decrease your profits.  Use to do it.  If you can save these unnecessary expenses, then income can easily increase.

 If you do such a job after which you get enough time, then by putting your mind, you can find some additional means of income.  Nowadays there are many options online and if you have special interest in any one subject then you can earn good money by teaching tuition to nearby children.

 If you have a spare room in your house, you can list it on airbnb, so you can have extra income without paying your extra room monthly rent and use it when you need it.

4 What do rich people know that everyone else doesn't?

I think the most unknown thing about the 1% richest people in the world is that they don't have any friends.  Almost all of his time goes to work.

Yes, some things are important to become rich, which only a rich person can know.

 Different way of doing work - The work that everyone does, do not do the same work like everyone else but in a different way from others.  This is an important step in becoming successful.

 Do not give up under any circumstances - Having a strong tendency to never give up.

 Living the dream of becoming rich all the time - 24 hours awake, thinking about being rich and executing it.

 Dreaming with waking eyes - Dreaming big with awake eyes and working day and night to fulfill it.

 Doing one's own work - The most important thing among those who become rich is that they do not work for anyone, but become rich only by doing their own work.  Take the example of any rich person in the world, all of them have become rich by doing their own work.

 Knowing how to use money properly - The person who becomes rich, knows very well when and where to use money properly.

 Willingness to take risks - They have the passion to take risks for their work, which makes them special apart from the ordinary person.

 To face troubles firmly - Be ready to face all kinds of troubles that come your way to become rich and face them firmly.

 Say no to do any work related to your business - Be ready to do all kinds of work to grow your business.  Have the patience to never give up under any circumstances.

 Having positive and optimistic thinking - To have positive thinking by nature and to be very optimistic.  They have nothing to do with despair and negative aspects.

What are the rules of making money

Experts believe that one does not progress by dreaming.  Everyone dreams, but the person who puts the right mind to fulfill the dreams can only move towards success.

 Experts believe that there is no harmony between dreams and progress.  It means imagining.  He said that understanding is needed to do something big in life.  Everyone sees dreams, but how to fulfill them, few people think about it.

 - Often people believe that by dreaming you will be successful.  But people never look inside themselves for what they have become better for.  Experts believe... We definitely think about money, but how can we earn money by using our skills properly.  Very few people think about it.  He said that dreaming is not a bad thing, but while thinking about anything, it is important to think 'what am I', 'what am I made for''.  Therefore, it is necessary to use the brain properly to get success and earn money in life.

What are the rules of success

First of all, in this world we all have only 24 hours a day.  Still, some people make a point that seems impossible to us.  Then what is the reason that at the same time given by nature, some people raise the flag of success and some are buried under the burden of failure.  Maybe now you know what I am talking about.

 Don't understand, never mind, I didn't understand either.

 That thing is to make good use of the time given.  Yes, you heard it absolutely right, this is a very minor thing, but, I assure you, learn to use the time wisely, exploit the available time, success hardly goes away from you.  Otherwise one day I will regret that if I had started doing this work already, I would not be here today.

 Therefore, believe me, without wasting much time in thinking, get involved in work.  This will keep you free from both failure and worry.

7  What rules do rich people follow

To become rich you have to prepare mentally.  I have to inculcate in my mind, whatever happens, I have to come out of poverty and become rich. The memory of the sorrow and pain of poverty will inspire me to become rich.

 The first rule of becoming rich is to remember the word 'WISH' in English.  Here W stands for WILL POWER i.e. will power.  'i' means information gathering.

 In English 's' means SOLID DETERMINATION i.e. determination and 'H' in the end means hard WORD i.e. hard work.  Follow WISH as planned, the results will be wondrous.

This problem happens with everyone that how to make the right decision?  Because we always have many options.  But we can choose only one at a time.  So, get involved in the work according to your interest and available resources.

 By choosing the work of your interest, that work can be done for a long time.  If you choose a job just for money, you will not be able to do that work for a long time and that work will stop in the middle.

What are the best rules to follow if you want to be rich

Everyone wants to know before investing that how long will his money double or triple.  But due to lack of knowledge of some simple rules, people are not able to do this small task.  In such a situation, it is important that you note these rules and whenever you deposit money, it is important to know how much your money will grow in how many days.

Suppose you have invested in a scheme of State Bank of India and here you are getting an interest of 7 percent per annum on that investment.  In such a situation, you have to divide 72 by 7 under Rule 72.  72/7 = 10.28 years, i.e. your money in this scheme will double in 10.28 years.

 In how many years will the money triple

 Rule 114 - You can know through rule 114 that in how many years your money can be tripled.  For this you have to divide 114 by the interest rate.

 Example- If the scheme in which you have invested.  If it is getting 8 percent interest rate per annum, then 114 will have to be divided by 8.  114/8 = 14.25 years, that is, your money in this scheme will triple in 14.28 years.

 In how many years will the money be four times

 Rule 144 - Rule 144 states that in how much time your money will become four times.

 Example- If you have invested at an interest rate of 8 per cent per annum, then in 18 years your money will become four times.  144/8 = 18 years.

9  Best money rules to build wealth

Investment is the best and safest way to build wealth

 You can invest in Real Estate, Gold and Bank FD it is a safe way

 Along with bank FD, you PPF is also a good option.

 But you have to be patient, it will take time, there will be no short cut here.

 The stock market is volatile, it is not for everyone

 Real estate has given 500% i.e. 5 times returns and gold has given 600% i.e. 6 times returns in the last 15 years


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