Stop Saying Things That Make you Weak

 If you try, you can be positive in 90 out of 100 situations.  Just like a little light is hidden behind dark clouds, it just needs an eye to see it.  If there is perseverance, one can easily achieve his goals, dreams, his ambitions.  Of course, you must have faced many bad days, situations, but trust me, if you make positive thinking a habit, you will soon be able to get out of those bad memories and thoughts.  But to bring positivity inside you, practice and strong will is necessary.  In the beginning you will also be very disappointed and you will feel that it is not happening, and will try to leave it, but you do not have to leave it.  Always remember this thing that before dawn it is dark all around.

10  Things that make you a better person

1  Stop Doing The Wrong Things             

                 Choose right, leave the rest

Wrong action is that which causes any harm for us, for our loved ones, for our society or for our country.

 If you see any wrong work so far, all wrong deeds give us damage.

 We are sometimes insulted by lying. Fighting harms our body. And there are many such things which harm us or do not like, then we take it as wrong.

2  Make A Schedule

  Plan your day to own your goals."   

To do list means that we also have to work to win, write it in a book and then when those works will be completed, then you have to go on removing the work from that book one by one.

 Make a list of what you have to do tomorrow and finish it tomorrow and keep deleting names in the book.  When at the end of the day you will have your comment on all the written works, then there will be a different kind of happiness that today I have completed all these works.

 Gradually this will become your habit and it helps a lot in increasing the productivity.  Big people use them a lot.  But in this list, write only what you can do in a day.

 And make this list by giving equal time to all your subjects, otherwise when you will not complete the work according to this list, then you can also become demotivate at the end of the day.

3   Clarify Your Thoughts

Clear thoughts lead to confident actions."

Your mind is like a garden which you can decorate wisely or let it become a forest. If you do not plant seeds of pure thought in this garden of your mind, many weeds will grow.

 The kind of seeds that are put in the mind, the same type of flowers and fruits come.  Pure thoughts will bring good results and negative thoughts will bring bad results.

 Fear, anger, jealousy, conceit, frustration, anxiety, guilt, self-condemnation, selfishness, etc. are all negative emotions that first ruin the state of our mind, then that of the body.  These negative thoughts impair our conscience, then block our energy, enthusiasm for knowledge, joy and love.

4  Take The Meaningful Path

              True success lies on the meaningful                          path."                      

To be meaningful means to be successful in life, then the definition of success will be different for every person.

 I find my life meaningful when my elders are happy and bless me.

 There is no such desire in my mind that I am afraid to remain unfulfilled. Whatever I want, I get or say that I am happy in what I get. When there is no running in life, there is no fear. Yours  If the mind learns to be happy then life is worthwhile.

 If you start feeling the grace of God, if you give thanks to God, then life is worthwhile.

 This body and mind is a tool, use it in good works, life is worthwhile.

5  Specify Your Goal

                 Define your purpose and stay                                                focused."

If you have to set your goal, then you must first give importance to your goal because, until you do not give importance to your goal, you cannot make any goal of yours.  That is why if you want to make your goal, then for this you should pay special attention to the goal you have set and do that work with great dedication and hard work.  If you are successful in doing this, then you can easily reach the goal.

If you will always think positive then you can get the key to success in your life because, only a person having positive thinking can move ahead in life and can achieve his set goal.  That's why you set a goal to be successful in your life and keep trying to achieve that goal with full dedication, keeping a positive attitude, then after that you will definitely get your goal one day.

6. Stop Saying Things That Make You                                       Weak

                "What you say defines who you                                      become. Choose wisely."

If we all are responsible for everything in our life then we cannot blame anyone.  Whatever is happening outside is only a mirror of our inner thoughts.  Our beliefs invite people to treat us in some way.

  If you find yourself saying, 'Everyone does this to me, criticizes me, never helps me, uses me as a pedestal, abuses me,' then that's your instinct.  You have thoughts that attract people to display such behavior.

To remove our negative energy, we have to absorb positive thought vibrations and put them into practice.

7  Adopt The Mode Of Authentic Being

  " Live authentically and let your true 
                    self lead."               

For me the key to living a truly authentic life is to first discover who you are. You need to know your likes/dislikes, strengths/weaknesses, fears, and most importantly your divine purpose. Once you unveil these components you are able to fully function as the unique, special, and original individual you were created to be.

Honesty is a divine quality, the person who has it inside, the life of that person is very happy.  Being honest, one has to struggle a little in life, but an honest person gets both success and happiness.

8   Learn From Your Errors

                  Errors are opportunities in                                         disguise  learn  and grow."                 

Most of us make mistakes, it never means that after making a mistake, your everything is over.  Don't blame yourself if you have made a mistake.  Take care of yourself.  Keep up your confidence.  If you are chasing your dream and you have made a mistake in that sequence, it does not mean that you cannot reach your destination.  In such a situation, you should think about how you can reduce your loss by not being emotional.  Remember, if a mistake has been made and if we do not learn anything from that mistake, then our development will stop.

Keep in mind that mistakes are made by those who work and try something new, so stop blaming yourself and keep doing your work.

9   Have A Conversation With Yourself

          Positive self-talk leads to powerful                                         change.

Self-talk is the only talk where no one barge in, no one to force you to do something, you can be yourself. You decide what is good & vice versa. It increases the ability to think more & dive deep in it. Which directly leads to develop a strong, confident personality. Once we start being honest to ourself then no one can be the barriers between us & the destination. Self-talk is the key to it. We might not find a way every time but it surely helps us in real-life scenarios. It's the so-called small habits that matter the most. How you talk to yourself. The books you choose to read. Who you share your energy with. Who you allow having access to you. These are the habits that ultimately shape your life.

10  Aim High                

    Elevate your goals. Aim high. Reach                                       higher."

Life without goal is like an animal.  A person who does not have a goal in life, he always wanders here and there in the world, and he is not respected anywhere.  Whoever is a human being in life, he should make a goal of himself, from which we get to learn a lot from the difficulties in achieving it, our self-confidence increases, the dependence on others ends, the mind gets respect and respect, physical and  There is a feeling of mental happiness, the point of view of people also changes.


Have A Routine

The best routine is the one in which you can give good time to physical, mental, and financial work.  Because a good harmony between the three physical, mental, and economic is life,

 Give half to one hour of meditation and exercise in your daily routine, and always give priority to a balanced diet and if possible, adapt yourself according to nature, that is, get up at sunrise and start your routine.

Don't Think About The Past

Look, listen. When you think of the past, when you are sad, you will think, can I change it now? No. The past has given me the present. The future is not in my hands. Look at the other side. If I am present  If I am doing my best then tomorrow it will become the past which will be good for me. Today's best will also pave the way for my good future. The present is also in my hand. Then by spoiling today I am worried about the past and present.  And I will spoil both the future. You have to understand this thing yourself.

Establish Yourself

If I think of proving myself in front of this world and decide that now I will remain by proving myself - then it will be my mistake to do so.  I will get tired of walking and will not be able to reach anywhere: because long before me great giants have walked on that path.

 Yes !!!  If I put some thought, some goal in front of me, I decide that now I will live by proving myself that whatever thing or goal I set in front of me - I went on to fulfill it: then of this world  No obstacle will distract me from my goal.  So I will prove it.


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