Marketing Strategy

 What is Marketing Strategy?  Understanding Marketing Strategy is an effort to market a product, whether it is goods or services, using a certain pattern of plans and strategy so as to increase the number of sales.

 Understanding marketing strategies can also be interpreted as a series of efforts made by companies to achieve certain goals, since the ability to sell an offer is limited by the number of people who know it.

 Marketing strategy has an important role in a company or business because it serves to determine the economic value of the company, the price of both goods and services.

Powerful Marketing Strategies To Grow Business Faster

1  Break The Rules

     There are no rules of architecture for a                       castle in the clouds

It really depends on the organization. The ones who go for the “better to ask forgiveness than permission” strategy will allow a bit more rule breaking. They do this in the interest of speed. They want to move fast, make decisions fast and if it takes breaking a rule or two then with good reasons, go for it.

There are other organizations that want more control, so no rule breaking at all. They move slower, no matter what they say. That is the benefit and negatives of rule following.

2  Generate Word Of Mouth

  The best advertising is done by satisfied                           customers

Word-of-mouth marketing is free-of-cost marketing where the users of a brand are encouraged to share their experiences with their friends, family, peers, etc. about a product/service or a brand.

Their activities with a brand trigger the experience-sharing by users. It is the most credible and reliable form of marketing which is driven by the authentic experiences of the users.

3  Love Your Coustmors

   To keep a customer demands as much                               skill as to win one

Customer service best practices require much more than a smile, although it is certainly a good start.  Happy customers drive repeat business, increase positive reviews (which enhances local SEO), and increase social signals with positive sentiment (which boots up overall organic search visibility), and any company can get more information about its customers.  cannot exist without it.
How the customers are treated begins with a warm personality and smile.  Smiling when talking with a customer on the phone is one way to make your voice sound more pleasant, warm, and friendly.

4  Builds Your Brand Recognition

The product, whether small or big, has to be made alive.  What does your product represent, what does it do other than a product?  This will have to be brought alive, the product will have to be brought to life and for that an image will have to be successfully established in the minds of the people.

          Products are made in a factory but 
              brands are created in the mind

 First of all, identify your product.  Then slowly convert this identity into a successful relationship.  For this, keep an active conversation with your customers continuously.  Identify what is the image of you in their mind.  If the image or image is the same as you want to create the image of your product in the mind of the customer, then your product is a good brand. 

5  Effective Communication
Good communication—why is it important? Think about this. We are just floating brains. Everything you are is in that grey matter. The body is just a tool to move you around. The eyes are for seeing, ears for hearing, fingers feeling, tongue tasting. Other than the legs/arms (which are for travel, escape, locat food, etc) and organs which are to keep that grey matter with oxygen, energy and clean, the rest is just for sensing. Senses to give the brain more Info. Info for what? Communication. Each sense is a form of communication. If you break it down to its simplest form

     Communication works for those who work at it.

Communication was why we were born. To me, we have 2 purposes. One is so the universe can experience itself. The other is to communicate those experiences to compile a ton of data into one big experience based on communication. It’s everything.

6   Love The Market

Market shows the sentiments of all the participants

Market shows the sentiments of all the participants along with expectations. This makes market so interesting to predict their future price. Financial performance, announcements, micro-macro economic indicators, systematic risks and many other facotors that keep the traders and investors busy in reacting in both directions.

The internet contains a wealth of ideas and inspiration, but as a new entrepreneur, where do you begin? Aimlessly searching online will only get you so far. Finding a high-quality and trustworthy online wholesale website will effectively provide competitive prices and a rich selection of products for your business.

7  Be Reliable And Responsive

            Our instinct is the most reliable                                         reminder

As a thumb rule, reliability is one of the measures of Quality. However, I would like to look at it from a consumer perspective, where reliability means different things . As a producer of a product , it is therefore a challenge to meet the quality expectations of a product. One of the best ways I have seen this being addressed by the producer is to quantify the expectations - such as expiry date , or warranty (say up to x years ), or any limits on inputs (say weight in kg if that one of the inputs) etc, so that Customers are clear on what is expected as the optimum quality for the cost they pay.

8  How to have empathy in your marketing

               Empathy-based marketing 

Empathy-based marketing is built on a foundation of trust.  The funny thing about trust is that it's one of the easiest things to lose and one of the hardest things to win back for your brand.  It is essential that you do it right.

 Since trust is not a one-way street, it is equally important for your brand to ensure that your customers have confidence in your brand.  The right way to achieve this is to humanize your brand and communicate with your customers the same way you would with a friend.

9  Pursue Customer Adoption

                       Customer Adoption

Starting a business means selling a product or service that is actually in demand in the market, which fulfills the needs of the customers, solves their problems.  This way you will know the real value of your idea.

 Your first step should be to do as much market research as possible so that your idea can be modified.  When you start a business, you will have a lot of time, money and manpower.  In such a situation, your focus should be to make maximum use of the available resources for customer satisfaction.

 Learn as much about Lean Startups as you can.  Meaning not the product first, sell the idea i.e. launch the smallest version of your product or service in the market and prove your idea.  This method will increase your chances of success.

10  Analyze Your Coustmors

      customer's  perception

If a person is a designer, for whom will he/she design clothes?  for customers.

 He has to design his ideas in a form understandable to the customer.  If the customer does not understand the designer, it is a failure for the designer or any artist, without the customers he cannot succeed.

 If you are a designer and you are proud that you are such a great artist that people cannot understand your work then you are a complete failure.  Because it is your job to make people understand not only your art but also your idea and point of view.  If you can't do that then analyze yourself and see where you are going wrong and redefine your art.


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