Showing Off Is The Fool's Idea Of Glory

 Pretense is that in which something is seen and something happens, that is a show.  If someone is poor, but if he shows up, he is showing off.

 In pretense, a person acts to impress others so that they come under influence.  This habit of impressing is called weak habit.  Nowadays youth resort to show off etc. to attract someone.  Want to tell them, stay simple is the best.

 Simple person and simple person lead a happy life rather than influencer.  It is wrong to impress because there is a lie in it.

 That's why living simple, walking simple, living a simple life is a promise from today.  Wear nice clothes even if you don't be simple outwardly, but internally please don't do anything to show anyone.  Why do you want to be a leva to beg someone?

Rules for living a good and simple life without showing off

1.  Demonstrate Impressively

                Don’t let anyone ever dull your sparkle.

If you want to be an influential person, then influence should be reflected in your work.  You have to make yourself so expert in your field of work, so that others know that you have a level in this work, you have an identity of your own, and you are expert in your work.

 As you become proficient in your work, you will automatically develop self-confidence, you will feel more comfortable and more confident in talking on your own, the way you speak, walk, talk to the person in front  Change in a positive way, and your 100% confident body language will make everyone else fall in love with you.

2  Express Yourself

    Express yourself, don't hurt yourself.  

Not expressing your feelings depends on the circumstances.  In general, it is appropriate to express the feelings of the mind.  The mind feels lighter after expressing its feelings many times.  If a personally generated feeling hurts the person in front, then his reaction calms the mind of the person that the feeling generated in the mind was not right which should be discarded from the mind forever.  By keeping most of the feelings of the mind in the mind, the person becomes introverted and isolates himself in the society.  Such a person has a different world.

To do or not to do is your own decision.  One should express one's own understanding and some should not be expressed.  But the decision should be your own.  If the result is good then it will feel good and if the result is bad then it will feel very bad.  Be ready for both.

3  Have Faith In Yourself

                            Believe In Yourself                 

Yes, believing in yourself is important, but what good is this without desire, hardwork, ability, empathy, compassion, humility, etc? In my opinion, confidence is extremely important, but overrated. Many people will also claim they prefer to be with 'confident' people, those who not afraid to stand up to others. However, how many of those same people will be happy with your dissention. My experience tells me not too many.

Also, the fact many self-described confident people feel a need many times to belittle those they deem as less confident really makes me wonder how people really define confidence to begin with. Self-confidence simply means believing in one's own ability. Self-esteem is when you feel good about yourself. What self-confidence does not mean is conforming to what others want you to do. A truly confident person tries to befriend those with less confidence and self-esteem, not belittle them.

4  Exploit Opportunities

                  Turn your obstacles in 

Entrepreneurs can take time and gather information to reduce uncertainties and build the firm's resources and capabilities before making the decision to enter the market and exploit the opportunity. Alternatively, entrepreneurs can exploit the opportunity now to lengthen their lead time.

The ongoing process of considering, evaluating, and pursuing market-based activities that are believed to be advantageous for the firm. Prior experience informs the process, but it may also limit it: opportunity seeking calls for continuous reconsideration and adaptive learning.

5 Be Confident    

                              Nothing is impossible                                        

Confidence means having faith in yourself.  To feel comfortable with who you are and to feel valuable to yourself.  When we feel confident in ourselves, we are able to trust our abilities, qualities and judgment.

Confidence is important to both your physical health and your psychological well-being.  When you believe in yourself, you tend to try new things and are more likely to succeed in them.  You dedicate your time and energy to actions that make good lifestyle choices, and foster health relationships.

6 Be Like Water

      Be like water, which is fluid & soft &                            yielding, as in time

Basically it means be fluid and adaptible in your movements, allowing your energy and weight and power to flow between attack, to defense, to block, to perry, flowing threw. Not rigid, but constantly adapting, absorbing and making useful things a part of you in what ever form you find useful, like water holding whatever shape its poured into; and discarding what is useless, like water regaining its natural shape and flow. Powerful if used to attack, yet also absorbing force and expelling it back even harder. And able to defend and move without any real effort; not trying to be rigid and forceful. Just becoming like water. Adapting to the situations that present themself. Thats what he was talking about.

Its difficult to discribe, you really need to see it with your own eyes and break it down with a good instructor. Feel it within our own body. Do that and your understanding will improve.

7 Create Your Art

                     The goal of life is rapture                

Awakening the desire to be a better person is the first step to becoming a good person.

 Secondly, we have got human birth – considering this as the best gift given by God, we have to make good use of life by not spending it in vain things.

 Human life can be used properly only when we behave like human beings.

 We can be treated like human beings only when we make ourselves clearly superior to animals by our intelligence and discretion.

 That is, like any animal, do not spend life only in making the best arrangements for the satisfaction of such qualities as hunger, thirst, fear, sleep, stool, urine, cold and heat.

 Rather, by fulfilling your duties towards yourself, towards your family and towards the society, plan your life in such a way that when you leave this world, there is complete self-satisfaction, there is no attachment, there is no shame.  Let there be no complaint, no disorder, no desire.

8. Commit Fearlessly

              The best way to be successful is to                                                      be fearless

Only way to be fearless is to face the fear. Every situation that bring fear to you brings an opportunity for you to over come it and to be more confident. U Skip it u make it large.

Be it any kind of fear. Fear of being thin / fat / short/ poor / stammering/ failure/ non acceptance etc can only be overcome if u face them. Half of the fear is gone if u face them and accept them..This sound simple but really requires courage…u have to keep remind ing urself every time that u have accepted it. Then only u can strategies plan for it

9  Don't Think Feel

                                           Don't think

Whenever people say bad things about me, I don't pay attention to their words.  Everyone appreciates you in your goodness, everyone speaks well in front of you.  That is why one should not be happy with these things, because if people cannot do evil on their face, then they will speak good to you.

 We should be happy when someone is doing evil to us, because when you are doing good, at the same time people do evil to you.  At such a time, taking patience and wisdom, we should take our evil done by people as our praise, when we will not pay attention and keep doing good, then automatically people will stop doing evil to you.  |

 That's why we don't need to argue with people that why they are doing evil to us.  Let them do their karma, we should pay attention to our karma.  Every coin has two sides, in the same way if there is good in the world then there is also evil, it is for us to decide when and to whom we should react and why.

10 Take On The Best

            Do everything quickly and well.

When control is impossible, we can cheat by adjusting our intent and goal. But this is not cheating. This is the only solution, and is the right approach. This is the true power we have over the outcome. We can decide not to desire it.

But there isn't always a need to give up. As it turns out, nature is also extremely flexible. Rarely do you ever need 100% control. All you need is enough of it. Similar outcomes can still be achieved in different ways and with different understandings. Nature always has room for error and this room can come in many forms: Time, money, luck, fuel. Time is what nature has in abundance, but that you have less of. Same with chance. What it is lacking is intent and focus. Those are the tools nature exercises through you.


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