Stop Waiting To Be Rescued

 Today, the successful people whom we consider to be our role models, they were not only successful.  He worked hard for this success.  Successful people are recognized that they take even the smallest work like any big task.  They know how to learn from their failures.

Successful people talk less, they don't talk much, they don't even talk nonsense. Successful people always consider themselves to be stronger and better.  They have the courage to do even that work which is not worth them.  Even after failing in some work, he does not consider himself a weak, he understands that I can do better next time because I am a better person.

This Is What Most People Don't Understand About Success

1   Expect Obstacles

            Only those who dare to fail greatly                                  can 
ever achieve greatly

As entrepreneurs and business leaders, you also need ways to keep your team focused and fired up. High-performance companies provide a vision for a brighter future. This vision keeps employees focused and excited about the future. It prepares them to get through adversity because they can see beyond the current roadblock.

2    Be Willing To Do It Again

            Try and fail,but never fail to try.

Everyone wants to be successful.  People also work hard for this and do not leave any gap in the efforts, despite this, success keeps on flaunting and its attainment remains rare. But the person is constantly engaged in it.  And this persistence of marriage is also the key to success.

 We all know that it is difficult to imagine success without hard work, planning, efforts, but my personal experience is that unless there is a relentless passion / dedication, it is not possible to get success. Therefore, first explain to the mind that until the time bound goal is not achieved, do not give up.  Then you will definitely get this sweet fruit.

3   Have Intensity


Intensity is measured as a percentage of your maximum heart rate, a marker reflecting how hard your body is working during an exercise. Low intensity: If you have conducted an active metabolic assessment (AMA) and use a heart-rate monitor, low intensity means you are performing within heart-rate zone 1 to 2.

The definition of intensity is the quality of being very strong, concentrated or difficult or the degree to which something is difficult or strong. An example of intensity is having the ability to run miles on end at a top speed. An example of intensity is how quickly a treadmill is moving.

4 Endure

  The art of life is to know how to enjoy a               little and to endure much

What kind of things should never be tolerated, it all depends on the circumstances of that time.  It has no criteria.  If you are moving forward to reach your destination, then you will come across many obstacles and hurdles in the way.  Many people will also humiliate you to stop you from moving forward, will challenge your self-respect, will also fill you with disappointment, which in a normal situation you could not bear, but at that time you have only one purpose to get you to your destination.  reach and achieve success.  If you forget your goal and get entangled in those obstacles or other things, then you will never be able to achieve your destination. 

4 Recognize Your Wins

      A quitter never wins and a winner never quits

Celebrating your wins not only feels great physically, but it reinforces the behavior you want to show up when you face a new challenge or opportunity. Conversely, if you fail to celebrate your many accomplishments, you are training your brain that what you are doing isn't all that exciting and important.

5 Sprint Everyday

          Hill sprints are good for everyone

Your body composition is your ratio of fat-to-muscle.  Most westerners have weak body composition, with high levels of fat and low muscle mass.  As a society, we eat too many energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods that promote the deposition of fat in our bodies.  Many of us certainly don't do enough regular movement to build and maintain lean body mass.

 Sprinting, however, not only helps to burn fat but also encourages muscles to grow.  The reasons for this are not as straightforward as you might think.

6 Know How To Lose

        Some things are better than winning

A paradox: I think one of the best signs that someone has a good chance to be successful is when they know how to deal with failing. I learned more from losing than I ever did from winning, and my greatest successes have all come about because of the things I learned from things that didn’t work—that failed.

Knowing how to fail well takes resilience, perseverance—maybe even a little stubbornness. It takes smarts and creativity. And it takes humility to admit failure and open yourself up to learn from it. Nobody gets it right every time. We all fail. But when we learn from our failures and be honest with ourselves about what we’re doing and where we fall short, then we can get it right in the long run. It’s a long season, and continuing to learn and get smarter is the only way we’ll be able to keep getting stronger week after week, year after year.

7 Rest At The End

                   Rest and be thankful

If you bring yourself to a comfortable state, you calm your system.  When you are here in complete peace, the tension that builds up in your body is very less.  For almost 27 years, I managed to get an average of two and a half to three hours of sleep per day.  Nowadays I am getting a little more lazy then I am sleeping for four to four and a half hours every day.

You don't have to decide how many hours you should sleep.  You should wake up when you get enough rest.  If the body and mind are placed at a certain level of awareness and alertness, you will see that as soon as it gets enough rest, it gets back to work.

8 Get In The Race

             Slow and steady wins the race

Life is a continuous race, sometimes with itself, sometimes with the world, sometimes with time and sometimes with death playing blindly.  In some you win, in some you lose and in some you do not participate.

 A race that you put up with the rest of the people in the world, for position, for money, for respect.  Even if you do not want to, but directly or indirectly people become a part of this race.  Most of the people are in the race for power and position, in the race for comfort, then some for respect and some in the race for sacrifice.  No matter what anyone says, even the sages and saints cannot leave the temptation to participate in this race.  They too get involved in the race for respect.

Visit The Person Deep Within 


Innumerable fantasies and thoughts keep running in our mind simultaneously.  Due to this there is a commotion in the mind.  We don't want to, yet it goes on.  In this way, by thinking continuously, we keep weakening ourselves.  Meditation is to remove such unnecessary fantasies and thoughts from the mind and move into pure and serene silence.  As the meditation deepens, one starts coming into the witnessing state.  It is not affected by any emotion, imagination or thoughts.

 In fact, the silence of the mind and the mind is meditation.  Thought, imagination and living in the pleasures and pains of the past is against meditation. 

Success is not about the action so much as a shift in your mindset.You have to realize that you are incharge of your future , You have to believe that you own it.You have to be confident that you can get what you want

Stop Waiting opportunities that may never come, and start realising that the only person that will rescue you is you.Once you embrace yourself as your hero,your behaviour will follow,so step out of the story book and into the world where you make things happen,where  you are the author of your own fabulous story


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