The Power Of Visualisation

 You can use the power of imagination only by imagining.. but if you do this by being aware, then it means that you are using it..

 Imagination power, the credit for making the human mind different and more powerful than all kinds of creatures in the world, goes to this imagination power of the mind.

 You can use the power of imagination to give up any of your old habits and create new ones..

 You can plan for the future by using the power of imagination.

Nothing Is Impossible Top 10 Rules

1   Create A Visualisation

   "Manifest dreams by visualizing them 
                                as reality.                                

1 How to use Visualisation

 You can use the power of Visualisation only by imagining.. but if you do this by being aware, then it means that you are using it..

Visualisation power, the credit for now making the human mind different and more powerful than all kinds of creatures in the world, goes to this visualisation power of the mind.

 You can use the power of Visualisation to give up any of your old habits and create new ones..

 You can plan for the future by using the power of Visualisation.

2   Let Go Of Anger

           "Forgiveness heals, judgment burdens."

You can control or reduce the effects of your anger.  If you do regular meditation.  Because the deeper we begin to know ourselves, the stronger our hold on our emotions becomes.  There are very few people who can control their emotions just by understanding.  There are some people who learn to control anger by seeing its side effects.  But for most people if they want to control anger, then the best medium for them is simply meditation.  Do regular meditation, then your mind will run according to your consciousness.

3  Shift Ambition To Meaning

                    "Create a life you truly love                                                             living."                              

To be meaningful means to be successful in life, then the definition of success will be different for every human being.

 I find my life meaningful when my elders are happy and bless me.

 There is no such desire in my mind that I am afraid to remain unfulfilled. Whatever I want, I get or say that I am happy in what I get. When there is no running in life, there is no fear. Yours  If the mind learns to be happy then life is worthwhile.

 If you start feeling the grace of God, if you give thanks to God, then life is worthwhile.

 This body and mind is a tool, use it in good works, life is worthwhile.

4   Trust In Yourself

                    "Trust your journey, trust                                                        yourself."

There is no other friend in this world than ourselves, this is the ultimate truth that has to be accepted, so in times of difficulty, we have to see our problems as a witness and how can we do our duty at that time, we have to think and do our duty.  You have to be rest assured that even if there is suffering like death, because whatever happens, it will happen for a moment, after that, we can move forward again towards our destination, the way of continuous life and happiness and peace, no matter how much suffering.  Yes, the time to come will be ours again, so we can help ourselves by becoming our own friend, as soon as we are successful, after that many more people standing in our footsteps.

5   Be Obscure

                     Be obscure clearly

obscure (adj) - not clearly expressed or easily understood.unknown, uncertain.

In the current context, you could say that you're finding the meaning of the word 'obscure' to be a little obscure.

The word basically indicates vagueness, lack of substance, a lack of sharp clarity in understanding the exact nature of something.

'Obscure' as a verb also means to block someone's understanding or sight of an object intentionally.

So if you have *maybe* found a relationship between your biography and those other organizations, but it is uncertain that it exists and you are finding it hard to understand or express the exact nature of this relationship, it could be obscure.

6   All Things Are Possible

                  "Passion and perseverance 
                                conquer all."

Challenge yourself to see how you can make your job better.  Analyze your quality.  Ask yourself, how can you improve your presentation?  How can you strengthen your relationships and improve your performance?

 The only sure way to make the impossible possible is to change your thinking, behavior and performance so that whatever you want is within reach of your potential and power.  It is not just the definition of possible, but it is also the beginning of power.

Be Willing To Contemplate Yourself 

     Growth begins with reflection.


In difficulties or in adversity you should always think of possibilities.  And you should get used to it.  No matter what the situation is, you must first accept it.  Yes it happened.  After this you should inculcate the habit of thinking about the possibilities ahead.  To make such a habit, you can start with small situations, you can do this every day.

  Whenever you have negative thoughts in your mind, then make a habit of thinking that what can be the maximum, what can be the maximum harm and you will see that you will feel that it is a very small thing and your negative thought goes away.  And you will be motivated towards your work.

8  Letting Go Of The Past

                   Releasing the grip of the past.

Don't erase your present life by living in the past.  You can't spend your time worrying about things you should have done differently.  As you live in your past, you are discrediting your present life.  You will not be happy where you are now.  Don't hijack your happiness.

If you are constantly reminiscing about the mistakes you made, it will make those mistakes the story of your life.  You are sure that some of the best moments of your life will not be affected by your mistakes, which was a very small part of his life.  If you were asked to write your life story, what mistakes would make up the majority of the story?  I think not, so it's time to leave the past and move on.

Start small, achieve big.

     Begin small, accomplish greatness.

If you believe me, we are all successful.  But when it comes to success, we associate it with money and growing up.  There was one thing in our childhood that we used to try continuously.  He used to fall and then get up and stand up.  Meaning we never stopped trying in childhood and never gave up.  To be successful, there are some things that should always be kept in mind.  First of all you have to determine what success means to you.  If you come to know about this then you will automatically be successful.  The dialogue of a film is "If you want something with passion, then the whole universe gathers to introduce you to it." You just have to work diligently.  There are some important things that you have to take care of.

10  Follow The Passion Within You

    Pursue the passion that drives you.

 Whether we are thinking of starting a small business, or just choosing a career path, it is important that we follow our passion.  When we think about what is needed to be successful in life and in our work, we usually think of attributes such as worth, talent, ambition, intelligence, discipline, perseverance and luck.  What many of us often fail to incorporate into this recipe for success is passion. The passion we have, or not, should not be underestimated in our work.  Sometimes this ingredient can make the biggest difference of all.


 Don't defend your ego

Ego is everywhere.  It continues to expand.  For example, ego is the reason why you take everything personally.  Due to ego, if you break the relationship, you harm the person in front.  It is because of arrogance that you park your car in front of him and start troubling him even when some other vehicle on the road has some difficulty.  Because of ego we do not admit our mistake.  It is because of arrogance that we treat others rudely.  That is why we do not like our failure or neglect at all.  Obviously


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