You Must Conquer Yourself

 You don't have to tell your mind to win with your mind, whereas you have to do what is right, conquer it by focusing on it.

 Don't let your mind do what you want while binding it to some rules, do what's good for you. If you always listen to your heart, it's not right.

 Keep the mind calm and always make yourself feel that whatever happens, our mind is the best, bind ourselves in some good habits in good rules in such a way that our mind remains according to us.

 If the mind is going on a wrong path, then keep trying to bring it from that side to the right side.

 To save the mind from wandering, feel the feelings of the mind and then think of doing something on it so that your mind also gets peace and it does not go astray.

 It is right and wrong to act according to the mind, but sometimes it happens that we become more dependent on our own mind and start working accordingly. By doing this the mind wins us, but you think that  The mind is bigger than you or you must be victorious with your mind.  Therefore, any work which is unnecessary but your mind is excited to do it, then you need to control your mind more at that place. Then you should become more than your mind and win.

Rules of the Mind

1  Be Tough On Yourself

                         Stay Strong

Struggle is very important in life because without struggle no things are achieved, even if there is a small thing, there is a small struggle.  If it is a small thing, there is a small struggle, if there is a big thing, then a big struggle and if you get something without struggle, then you will not feel as good as you are able to struggle, then struggle is a very important contribution in life.  Which shows you in a good successful form in the society, then you become a struggler and help people and focus more on your work, only then you will be able to become a successful citizen.

2  Force Yourself To Do Difficult Thing

                     Growth begins where comfort ends.                  

People who believe in themselves don't need anyone else's trust.  If your will power is strong then you can achieve success by doing any work.  But the people of the society, especially your family, your relatives and your special friends who are there, work to shake you up.  If you ignore their words and trust yourself and proceed to do some work, then surely you will be successful.

3  Conquer Yourself

           Master your mind, and the world is                                                   yours. 

The more you try to control the mind, the more it will become uncontrollable.  So just stay calm and focus your attention on the work you want to do.

The mind is like a chariot and all our senses are attached to it like very fickle horses.  To control the mind, it is necessary to control the senses first. Just as it is appropriate for all the horses to go in the same direction to control the chariot, in the same way, if the mind is to be controlled, then all the senses must have a specific goal.  It is better to be focused.  Concentrating on your breath or concentrating your attention in chanting a mantra, all these can curb your mind a little for a while, but if you want to keep your mind always steady, then focus it on some divine goal  very necessary.

4  Create An Environment Of Success

                   "Success grows in the right                                                  environment."
You do what you think.  They do what they say.  The power of speaking is an art in which we talk to ourselves, and in this no one can understand us more than ourselves.  Because how we are, what we do not know and what we should do.

  All this only we know.  No one can think of us as much as we can think of ourselves.  Because only you know what you feel at that time, and what to do now.  We should think about its solution but we don't think because it is difficult.

There are difficulties in that, there are challenges, there is a difficult path through which we have to walk.  Due to which we get scared but once we cross this difficult path then we win. One thing should always be kept in mind that what we have started.  After that we don't have to stop.  We have to fulfill it.  We have to win.

5  Love Your Work

             "Love your work, and success will                                                   follow. "

Success in any work depends on how much interest we have towards that work.  The concentration of the mind depends on what we want to get, then we get it because we are interested in that thing, in which we are not interested, we cannot get it.

When you enjoy your work/job, you don’t care. You love the struggle. You love coming back, refining, and the process of progression to get what you want. The end goal of producing something amazing is worth it

6 Accept Who You Are

 Embrace your true self 
  You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.

Yes, we should never care about what others think of you.  Hey brother, if we take care of others and live our lives according to them, then when will we fulfill our wishes?  We should live our life according to our own way.  But we must care about those who care about us.  We should also take care of those things that any of our actions should not hurt those people who are special to us and we are special to them.

Only other people tell us who we are, because we are not able to assess our behavior and personality, others tell us who we are, what our identity is, and we are compelled to accept their given identity.  So we search for ourselves throughout life but we do not succeed in it but the day we will know that "who we are" our world will change, our perspective of looking at the world will change, on that day God of soul  will meet, which is the ultimate goal of every human being

7  Be Hungry For Knowledge

                 Stay curious, keep learning                    

Explaining the power of curiosity – to your brain, hunger for knowledge is much the same as hunger for food. Curiosity is a welcome trait in many respects and is the fuel that powers science. ... The main finding here was that curiosity and hunger both swayed the volunteers' decision-making.

It can be strong enough to move mountains, inspire ideas, initiate programs, be on the move and come up with discoveries and inventions that man has never known. Having that thirst for knowledge gives motivation to students to find ways for solving problems, come out of adversities, and reach their ultimate goals.

8  Value Your Time

             "Time is your most precious                                                 resource

Time is considered to be like life, it is said that if you are wasting time then you are wasting life, if you are making good use of time then you are making your life good. Time is such a cycle.  The one who neither stays for anyone nor comes back for anyone, says that time is very strange, if you walk with it, it changes the luck and if you do not walk, it changes the luck.  There is only time in the world which every human being has got in limited quantity, everything else can be unlimited.

That is, “time is like a wheel which is always in motion.  Time does not differentiate between any human, animal, animal, bird and animal, it is same for all.  One who does not care about time, the wheel of time tramples on him and moves forward.

9  Nurture The Small Things

     "Small moments lead to big successes                              nurture them."

Taking pleasure in small things and doing small things, doing everything happily and enjoying every minute of every moment is something that we do not pay attention to, but it makes our life so much better  Is.

Little things really matter a lot in life. But people often miss out on these beautiful things due to their busy schedule.

10  Help Others

         The best way to lift yourself up is by                                     helping others rise."

One should always do good deeds and contribute to the well being of others.  If you do good to someone in life, you will definitely get success.  There is great power in goodness.

If you do not believe, then help some needy person of yesterday and experience it.  After this you will be sure of our words.  If you help others then your life will be peaceful and contented.  Whereas those who do not do this, even if they have lakhs of assets, they always remain under stress.


Be Proactive

In today's fast-paced world, due to paucity of time, society is forcing us to adopt unhealthy lifestyle.  Everyone is compromising in living a healthy life.  Today we consume fast food and sugar-laden refreshments, sleep less, exercise less, talk less but worry more - like children's education, our expenses etc.  Many of us are running fast in the journey of this life.

 We know that this fast-paced lifestyle cannot last long.  If we are lucky, we can maintain better health by becoming a member of a gym, practicing yoga, or practicing meditation.  But many of us, exhausted, fall into the unconsciousness of a motion picture on the sofa lying in front of the television.

Always Be Ready For Change In Life

Sometimes there comes a time in life when we have to make some decisions, at that time most people are not ready for change because change means facing new situations from which we always want to avoid but it is necessary to understand that change is not always bad.  Sometimes it changes our whole life, but have we prepared ourselves for this new change.  Behind not wanting change is the fear of failure, the day we learn to accept failure, our fear of change will end from that day.  We will be ready to accept both failure and success easily. This is the beginning of positive thoughts.  The idea is to give new heights and ultimately this is the key to your success.


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