10 Best Habits To Have In Life

 Good habits make your life more productive.  It helps to improve your self esteem and your personal health.  If you have good habits then you feel very good in yourself and at the same time you will do your work with 100% heart.  Apart from this, you always get external support as well.

Share this on Social Networks: Share Tweet ShareComment E-mail To be successful in life it is not enough to work hard only but the success of life also depends on how smart you are  are working.  We all want to be successful in life.  But most of us spend time working hard in the wrong field.  But with some simple habits and smart thinking, you can take your success to a higher level.

 Mindful self-regulation for inner peace."

              Cultivate calm, cultivate life."

Self-management is the ability to manage your goals, decide what’s the right approach to do things, prioritise your objectives and take the accountability of completing the desired actions. It is also considered as an ability to work on your emotions, behaviour and thoughts in different situations. This can include managing stress, motivating oneself to work towards the desired goals. Understanding maladaptive patterns and starting to work on them, setting boundaries. People with strong self-management knows how to balance out things in their life. They prepare themselves for their goals to avoid last-minute chaos

Mindful attention, timeless moment."

                         Breathe, focus, be."

In the physical sense, because some people are less capable of taking care of themselves than others. Maybe because of accidents, maybe because of some genetic defect that causes a disability.

The same goes for emotional care. Some people are more self-sufficient than others. Again, part of it is just the way people are, and in other cases it’s caused by illness or disability making people less able to regulate or deal with their emotions.

3 Being Honest  

               Honesty is the highest integrity."

Honesty is to be honest, reliable and truthful throughout life.  It is very important for a person to be honest to himself and others.  Honesty brings with it a lot of good qualities and enables one to face any bad situation in life with full courage and confidence, hence, “Honesty is a good policy.”  is called.

Honesty is a moral concept.  Generally it refers to truth, but in broader sense, honesty emphasizes the observance of such qualities as love, non-violence, integrity, faith in mind, word and deed.  It makes a person trustworthy and fair.

Always do the right things

               Right actions, right mindset."                    

Doing the right thing doesn't bring happiness, it can't happen.  Why ?  Because we want immediate results.  Now there is no immediate result from getting any result.  Happiness is also a success.  Success doesn't come so quickly.  We have to continuously try to do that.  When we will increase our efforts towards the right work.  So one day you have to find happiness.

 We can make the result of our own wish.  We just have to start with the result in mind.  The result will always be in our favor when we start the right work.  We have fear  Let nothing happen  This is not the case  It is not  Many things happen  that binds our mind.

Unleash your best."

                           Be your best self.     

You have to first decide what you want to do in life, after deciding that you have to name that goal, then you have to prepare an outline of the work to achieve the goal.  A fixed time table will have to be made for this outline. Proper guidance will have to be taken from the experts.

 After doing all this, you will have to move ahead by following the time table made by you in the strictest / disciplinary way, then you will definitely get success.

6  Praise Yourself

Self-love always."

Appreciating your efforts and patting yourself on the back for your hard work and efforts — even though all of them may not result in a positive outcome — gives a boost to your confidence and sense of self. Also, it motivates you to better yourself, work harder and do more productive work.

I always make sure that if i complete my tasks or my to do list effectively, i treat myself with something i like. It could be as simple as buying myself an ice-cream, chocolate or flowers.

7 Master Your Inner Self

                  Inner wisdom, outer success."

To control the mind means to believe in yourself, you should believe in yourself, you can control your mind by controlling your senses at all costs.

Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional peace, with no worries, fears or tensions.  In this state, the mind is calm, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.  So, a 'peaceful mind' is the term used to describe a mental state that has mental and emotional peace.  It is a state where your mind is not stirred by worries and anxieties.  Mental activity is staged so as to experience calmness and calmness.  Instead of being bothered by the past or the future, your focus is on this present moment, now that you are alive.

Build bridges, not walls."

                          Talk. Listen. Grow."

When and where there is a true meeting of minds, there is mutual understanding. That understanding may not be full-orbed and complete, but it oftentimes paves the way for further understanding, even when people need to agree to disagree. Better yet is for them to do so agreeably.

The communication which connects people is spiritual in nature, and the “hardware” involved in connecting them (e.g., the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the hands, and the face) comprises the means to the end. A mechanistic and reductionistic approach to the process of communication may bear some fruit, but only when the intellectual, emotional, and volitional aspects of communication, writ large, are the primary focus and assume primary importance.

Always Keep learning

    Grow, adapt, thrive."

A person has to adapt to the environment while living in the society.  The greater the learning power of a person, the more rapidly he adapts to the circumstances.  It is only after learning that he has the ability to adapt to the circumstances.  Therefore, scholars believe that learning is adaptation.

Learning is such a process that starts from the life of a human being.  This is a continuous process in human life.  We use the word learn in some form in our daily routine.

10  Think For Yourself

                            Be your own thinker."

To think for yourself means that whatever opinions you hold will be well thought out and come from a position of thorough investigation and thoughtful analysis. It means choosing to not compromise the facts for the sake of consensus or fitting in.

 People who are able to think for themselves usually may have a vast variety of knowledge. This knowledge should come from books, articles, scripture, history, math, and ideas from the most renown philosophers, kings, professors, and historical characters. On top of this you should build upon your own experiences and learn from yourself and from others.


EvR said…

Get your daily motivation from this wonderful blog by Ritika Gupta! Very sage advice to start your day or reflect on a project, or to simply chill! Truly inspirational🙌
Business woman said…
Thanks mam for such encouragement

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