Don't Ignore Whispers Of The Universe

 The principle of attraction applies equally to everyone, people understand as a person is and they are based on their thoughts and expectations towards other people or things.  This principle is one of the most powerful laws of the universe.According to this, you or others are attracted towards those whose vibes, energies, experiences match with yours.

According to this, you or others are attracted towards those whose vibes, energies, experiences match with yours.

Laws of the Universe To Improve Your Life

1  Pay attention and learn

            "Stay focused, observe, and grow!"

I believe that there is a lot that happens around us, from which we can learn a lot, even we can learn a lot from our mistakes, which increases the experience of human beings, and gives a new direction if you have a lot.  If you want to learn something, then look at the surroundings and learn what it is, why you were born in this world and what is the purpose of your life.

2   Max out your humanity

                      "Unleash the power of being                                                   human!"

If you want to understand a person's quality of humanity, it's about what he does for those who don't give back in return for the favors they've given him.

 One of the most outstanding examples of extra-ordinary humanity in a human being is beautifully portrayed by Mother Teresa.  Humanity means helping others whenever and wherever possible.  Humanity means helping others at the time when they need help the most, Humanity means forgetting your selfishness whenever others need your help!

3  Believe you are worthy

                   "Embrace your worth; you 
                              are enough!"

Because you have knowledge that's why you should believe in yourself.  But it should not be done when there is no knowledge, then control should be taken so that no senseless act is done by you and disorder spreads in the society.

 If you do not have knowledge, then you should learn from the wise, they should read and seek knowledge so that you can be made wise on your own so that you also learn and move forward and this is the path of life, learning and experiencing and then teaching.

4 Take Charge

                   "Own your choices, shape 
                               your destiny!"

If you keep defending yourself for the mistake made in any work, then you will never be able to improve it.  Only fulfilling your responsibility fully and well makes you a free citizen.

 What do you want to be in life?  What do you want to do?  Is it your decision, how can someone else be responsible for it.  If you try with full responsibility then you can make your dreams come true.

 A person who understands his responsibility, works by accumulating all his energy.  This is the truth.  People also help those who work with full responsibility and admit their mistakes.

5   Learn from the challenges

             "Challenges teach, growth follows.               

Life is a game, and it is a game, so if you have a challenge in it, you will get it from the other person, won't it?  When we look at life from this perspective, oh man, life is full of challenges.  So there is no joy in living.. we don't just have to change our attitude, just... then look amazing,

 Challenges keep on coming, some will challenge some, some will challenge, so do we not have the strength?  In fact, the challenge is given to the one who deserves it.  So it should not be understood that hey man, I had to come to this challenge… No, you had to come, because you have the courage and ability to deal with that challenge… so just change the attitude.

6 Serve for the nation

                "Serving the nation is the
                            highest honor."

In order to give the right direction to the youth power, one should motivate their children to follow the path suggested by the sages, intellectuals.  We also have to respect those who sent their sons to the borders of the country with determination.  

We rest in peace while the brave sons who came out of our midst protect the borders of our nation by putting their lives at stake as the nation's sentinels.  Apart from this, if anyone tries to humiliate the nation, raises questions on the morality of the nation, helps national damage, tries to divide us on the basis of religion, language and beliefs, then it is our duty.  We have to give him a fitting reply.  One should sacrifice everything for the education, initiation, dexterity, efficiency of his children.

7  Tap into your spirituality

              "Embrace inner stillness and
                      let your spirit guide."

Spiritual journey starts with just a thought which arises in your inner self.  This thinking is knowing the secret of existence.  If I am, and this is the universe then why.  Now it has two routes.  external and internal.  In the outer path, we consider life, nature, the world, the universe, etc.  Inwardly, by descending within himself, he searches for the same truth.  There is no difference between the two.  It is known from the explanation of Pinde Tat Brahmanse that the secret of the complete universe is contained in you.  Now this discovery of yours can take a scientific form, it can take a philosophical form, or it can also take a meditative form.  
All paths are spiritual.  Whatever path you choose, so will you gain knowledge.  But there is one thing both scientists and spiritual agree on, and that is that there is only one truth.  That is, all paths must come to a point, that is the absolute truth.  Scientists call it convergence, spiritual it is the union of soul with God.  If seen, everyone is looking for the same truth.  What science calls the theory of everything, the same is Brahmagyan in spirituality.

8  Find Your Passion

  Discover your true calling.

Finding your passion means experimenting, and experimenting can take time.  You may have to try several considerations before you find the one you love.  Many people fail to find their passion because they stop looking for it when the situation gets tough. 

 Recognize that you may face obstacles and challenges along the way.  He is alright!  Treat every challenge as a learning experience.  When you really find your passion, you'll have a wealth of experience and learning to keep going.

 Be kind to yourself too.  Some people may criticize your passion;  They may find that silly, ignorant, silly, or boring.  Don't let anyone else's criticism get in your way, because your passion is yours only.  You don't have to explain your choices to anyone other than yourself.

9  Find  meaning in life

                                Find Meaning

To be able to explore the real meaning of life we need to be able to drop our preconceived notions and biases about life, and start to embrace and welcome all the experiences that life brings with open arms. It is very difficult to do so. It is difficult because most of us love to be safe more than anything else all the time. We abhor the slightest risk o disturbance to our usual lifestyle. We cling to our boundaries, and stay put in our comfort zones even if it means stagnation and lack of mental-emotional-spiritual growth and development.

If we really want to explore life we need to drop all our self imposed boundaries and come out of our comfort zones. 

10 Be Happy

              Happiness looks good on you."

In today's run-of-the-mill life, being happy has become like a dream for a human being!!  Whatever be the situation in life, it is an art to be happy in every situation, in today's time, there are some problems in everyone's life, it depends on us that how we are able to live that time!  We can be happy by adopting many such things like -

Helping others - When we help a person whom we do not even know nor do we need anything from them, then we add an important contribution in their life, being a part of someone's life is a pride in itself.  It is a matter and inside you can feel a different kind of happiness !

11  Follow Your Intuition

                    "Trust your inner guide."

Attention.  Meditation sharpens intuition through basic techniques, allowing you to become more aware of your body's signals, the initial for intuition

 Go to a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be interrupted with distraction.

 Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and pay attention to the feeling of your breath - if your mind starts to wander, don't get upset and just focus on your breathing again.

 Trace your body Lie down with your eyes closed and focus on each part of your body separately, starting at the toes and ending at the top of your head. Notice how you feel in each of them and  When you finish, notice how you feel throughout your body and in your breathing.


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