How To Achieve 100% Of Your Goal

 What you want to achieve, remind yourself again and again why you want to achieve it, and what you will get by achieving it!  ‘What is the motivation before achieving?’ Remind yourself again and again, because we tend to forget it.

 And what will be achieved after the achievement, what is its result, also remind yourself again and again, because they also forget again and again.

 Why forget these two, because the motivation to achieve is behind, first, invisible, not visible.  The hard work to achieve is in front, sweat breaks out in it, it is visible and it feels bad, and even if you have not got what you get by achieving, then that too is not visible, only what is visible, that which  You want to do it, how much effort is being put into it, and the mind is lazy.

 So remember what is there in addition to what you see.

Ways to Reach Your Full Potential Every Day

1  Take Action Now

     Let today be the day where you rise                          above the excuses

Change your perspective because we all start somewhere.  Sometimes you can't start at the top but work your way up and to get to where you want you need to work, sometimes you don't care but it's work  And so keep a healthy positive attitude towards it.

 Evaluate where you are now Don't kill yourself.  It's ok to start all over again.  This time see where you are and now think about why you want to achieve your goals.  What is the reason.  Make it clear in your mind.  Get some pictures, bang them on a board and fill that board to show why.  Always know why you are pursuing these goals and clearly where it will lead.

2  Change Your Mindset

Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.

There are times when most people are not satisfied with their life or with themselves. If you feel that you have to make a big change in your person, you are in luck!  You can change!  A big change can look overwhelming, but you can certainly do it if you're willing to set clear goals and stick to them.  In fact, the change you make can produce a change as you experience it as you normally would.

 Determine what the problem is. You have decided to make changes, but in what way and what will you do?  The only way to find this out is to clearly determine what is the problem or aspect of your personality that you want to change.  What do you gain when you change?

3   Change Your Perspective

It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see.


The world sees us according to our perspective!  Our attitude determines our world.  So adopt a positive attitude see your life will change too  Everyone's attitude towards life is different.  So why not start today.

Knowing about yourself is the only way by which you can change your thinking.  Changing your thinking changes your behavior.  And a change in your behavior changes the things that happen to you.  If you want to eliminate a problem, you have to eliminate it from the root.  So while this might seem like a very lengthy and unnecessary process to change things, it is not (at least not the unnecessary part).  The most important thing is to get over it (your thinking and your mental inhibitions) before any change can actually be made.

4    Be Patient

    Our patience will achieve more than 
                              our force

Being patient simply means the calmness of one's nature.  When you calmly face challenges with calmness and don't let yourself get excited, you become strong enough to face any difficulty.  The thoughts that grow in you affect the energy that operates inside you.

Patience in the dictionary means restraining oneself.  When a person restrains himself from doing something that he can do, such a person will be said to have acted patiently.  ... Under this definition, patience would not in itself be called a moral virtue, but rather a form of resistance that comes from the control of the mind.

5  Live Your truth

        Decide what your truth is. Then live                                       it

To live in your truth simply means to live as your most authentic self, doing things daily that bring you happiness and joy, living as true to yourself as possible.

A complete acceptance of what one is at all times is living one’s truth. It is the complete acceptance of what one is that’s hard for people. People generally speaking don’t want to accept aspects of themselves they don’t want. They’d rather disown those aspects, calling them “not the real me”. They’d rather pretend that what they are is only what they consider good. As long as they’d rather maintain this pretense they can’t possibly accept the truth.

6  Surrounded yourself with greatness

         Always be your true self, and     surround yourself with positive and                           supportive people.

Ys,surrounded by good people is always beneficial. You have all those qualities you need to be a good person and do good things. We all know that popular saying that “A person is known by the company he keeps”. So people arround us do influence our personality and the way we think.

Negative people on the other hand is the exact opposite. Those people don’t care at all about your success. What they care about is using their energy to bring you down to their level. Being around those types of people is depressing and that’s why I’ve never understood why it’s so easy to fall into the trap of negative people.

7    Don't try to please everyone

 You can't please everyone, and you can't                make everyone like you

Leave everyone happy, it is not in the hands of man to make any one happy.  Because everyone is free to be happy or sad.

 So the worthwhile question is how do I keep myself happy?

 The answer is very simple – by drowning in meditation, a treasure of happiness is found within oneself.  Joy is the innate nature of our soul.

 Till date no one has been able to please anyone else.  Even if God wants, he cannot please anyone.  No one can make anyone sad.  Even God is not omnipotent in this matter.

8  Be Consistent

               Consistency the key to success

Cosistency or regularity is a quality worth incorporating and sticking to in your life.  Consistency is very important to create and achieve some very specific goals.  Start by first determining how you can become more regular in your life, and then try to accomplish these small goals.  Over time, as you become a little more consistent, keep yourself motivated and monitor your progress.  For this, you have to change your thinking so that you remain optimistic and productive throughout this process.

If you don't even know what to do, it will be very difficult for you to become consistent.  When starting a new path for yourself, set easy, simple goals with specific, fulfilling results.

9    Find your genius

  Genius is the recovery of childhood at                                        will

We all have been hearing this from the beginning that every person has some special talent which makes them different from everyone else, but often many people do not recognize the talent inside them.

 For this, you have to look inside yourself, now you will say that if you could only look inside yourself, why would you ask this question.  If this thought has come within you, then you are thinking absolutely right.

 To understand your talent, you have to understand yourself, what is the thing that you like and can do it without getting tired, the work that makes you happy, I know to do 100 things but there is only one work  I love to do it from my heart.

 You may know to do 100 things which you have done once in your life, but if you can do the same thing 100 times without getting tired, then that is your talent.

10  Don't Obsess With perfection

Perfection is impossible; just strive to do your best.

The word perfect has taken over our lives and we have become obsessed with everything being perfect. From a selfie to the WhatsApp status, clothing or even career, we want each and everything in our lives to be perfect. Well, wanting things to be perfect isn’t a bad thing. You get the motivation to improve by trying to be perfect but, yes there is a ‘but’, being an obsessed perfectionist isn’t something you should become.

On one hand, perfectionism is good whereas, on the other hand, it might become the reason for preventing you from giving your best.

11   Be driven

   Be guided by intuition, not driven by                                  instinct

Motivation is a word that is needed by everyone to accomplish their goals in life.  It is this inspiration that always fills up with enthusiasm and hope to start afresh.  Anyone can be the source of this inspiration.

 Inspiration is drawn from those who reach a point of success by waving their flag and become a role model for the whole world.  If someone declares himself that his life can become an inspiration for someone, then it seems like an arrogance to say this.

 I never thought that I have to come in the field of teaching.  It is not that the people engaged in the teaching work disliked me, but I could not reach the goal with which I went.  Science was my favorite subject and I had to make a career in this field but at that time some circumstances became such that even after getting very good marks, I had to go to the Faculty of Arts.  Accordingly, I would not want anyone to make a person who misses the goal as his inspiration.


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