How To Become Truly Awake

 You have to really want to Awaken with an intensity of longing to know the Truth of what you are above all else as well as an intensity to find your way Home. Home of course is not some place other than within you right now.

The Path is very, very simple but it is not easy. It is often too simple for ego which thrives on complexity. That is why Spiritual Practice as we call it like Mindfulness and Meditation and when these are established , Self inquiry is so important.

The path to awakening is not a linear path, although it can feel that way. It is more of a Spiral Path. It takes you ever deeper in to the truth of your own being.

Mindfulness Habit And The 9 Ways To Develop It

Discover your true essence."

Connect within."

This is another invitation to come to rest in the awakened awareness that’s always already occurring. Take a few minutes to sit comfortably and shift your attention from your thinking mind to the coming and going of your breath. Now, instead of practicing your accustomed meditation technique, I’d like you to sit quietly and let everything be the way it is. Don’t focus or manipulate your attention in any way, don’t follow your breathing, don’t do anything in particular; just let everything be, without trying to change or avoid or get rid of anything. Ordinarily our attention focuses on objects and interprets them, creating an inner world of meaning that has little to do with the way things actually are. Instead, let go of this grasping at objects and the tendency to judge and interpret, and relax back into awareness itself. Rest as the open, unconditional awareness in which experiences come and go

"Take time to rejuvenate."         

              Prioritize your well-being."

If we are happy and relaxed, we can feel like we have all the time in the world. ... Emotions, time and space are intrinsically connected, so if we want to decompress, the key is that we need to create the perception of more mental space which makes us feel like we have more time.

Contrary to popular belief, going non-stop is not as efficient or effective as taking time out each day to decompress and to relax. The brain is like any other organ in the body; it needs time to restore.  Just like going to the gym, your muscles become tired and need some time to recover. Daily decompression and relaxation will make you happier and healthier.  Your brain will be more productive the next day if it has had some time to rest.

3  Take a step back, find your center."

                 Give yourself space to grow."                                

It is possible, of course! It’s the only way in some situations - you have to give up certain things (which are really painful to give uo, because you can’t even imagine yourself without them), so you can see and observe yourself, your surroundings, people around you, the situation you’re in. It may be some perspective, or a human being, but it is obligatory for further progress to act this way. If you feel that you’re stuck, you’ll have to make some serious research… and sacrifices, If you’ll refuse to give up something (take a step back, so to speak), you’ll remain in a familiar situation, but there won’t be any step forward. Everything which is worth a thing, is located forward. There is no such thing as bright past, the only function of past is to remind you of certain experiences which worked out, or didn’t, and use this intel in your life.

 4 Self-reflection: the path to growth."

                  Love yourself, know yourself."                       

During the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is very easy to lose sight of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  This is where self-reflection comes in.  This exercise encourages you to press the "Stop" button on your daily life, to better understand yourself.  Not sure how to get started?  We are here to help you through this process, so you can be more in tune with your thoughts and feelings.

Reflect on your past problems. Figure out what went wrong so you can avoid repeating the same mistakes. Don't beat yourself up when you think about the past; instead, honestly identify and reflect on the mistakes you made, so you can make better, more informed decisions in the future.

5  Evolving

            "Awakening to new possibilities."

I think challenges and trials play a more important role in a person's development.  The person who has lived mostly in comfort and happiness and has faced very few difficulties, he does not know how to handle a sudden calamity.  He gets upset after finding himself in difficult situations and is unable to take the right decision.  His personality also does not develop properly.

Human development is the process of expanding people's choices and increasing opportunities for education, health services, and empowerment to include all kinds of human choices, from a healthy physical environment to economic, social and political freedom

6  Cultivating a loving attitude

                Vibrate love, attract love."             

Life also plays a positive game with those who have a positive attitude, no matter how much trouble they face in life, but they do not fear and give up, but try their best until they get their destination.

 On the other hand, a person of negative thinking sits on the first step after slipping in fear that it is slippery, he loses without trying, so he always walks in life with regrets.

 And those who get success, they should always be like a benevolent tree, should be humble as much as it is laden with fruits and not ready to help others, otherwise life will be called a fruit tree full of tasteless poison, which will only look good but  Meaning without.

7  Being Happy

    You deserve happiness."

To live life always happy / cheerful, first of all positive thinking is necessary.  This will stop the flow of negative thoughts in your mind and you will be able to be happy.Underestimating yourself from others will keep you away from happiness.  So look at those people who are an example to the world even when they are surrounded by suffering.  They give inspiration to live life by forgetting their sorrows and removing the sorrows of others.

 Be content with whatever you are doing in your life, whoever you are.  Satisfaction is a pleasure in itself.

 You are a priceless creation of God.  Use your life to make others happy, no matter how small.  For example, to make a crying child laugh, or to give some amount of food and water to a hungry and thirsty one.  Believe me, after doing this you will feel happy both inside and out.

 It is said that an empty mind is the house of the devil.  So keep yourself busy in your favorite work, by this you will be happy and cheerful.

8  Growth starts with small changes."

Evolve through new habits."

First of all you should consider, which new habit should you consider first, what are the new habits you have to make, which are very important and beneficial for you, after that you do not adopt all the habits at once.  It is to be made gradually one by one or say that even a small part of a habit, suppose like this if you want me to do self-study everyday or start reading something, then you will have to spend 15 minutes.  You should start 10:15 minutes, you have to read for two-three days, then you do 15 to 20 minutes, after that you increase the time, then gradually you will be able to read for hours, so make happiness a habit and keep it in your life.  In order to add to the routine, you have to work hard, you have to change your mind, so gradually change the habits. 

 The most important thing is that you should learn time management, if you learn to use the time properly then your life will be very good.  Everyone has 24 hours, but not everyone is able to use those 24 hours properly.  You have to give priority to only those works which are necessary for you or you get benefit from them.

9  Stay focused, stay driven.

                 Zero distractions, maximum

For whatever work you are doing, it is better to create interest in that work, even if there is a thought here and there at the time of work, then ignore it, at that time concentrate only on your work,  Don't let the attention get distracted towards someone else, keep doing this process daily, a time will come that gradually instead of distracting your attention, you will start working on the same label, success may not come soon, but have patience.  But success will surely come

The most important thing is that you should learn time management, if you learn to use the time properly then your life will be very good.  Everyone has 24 hours, but not everyone is able to use those 24 hours properly.  You have to give priority to only those works which are necessary for you or you get benefit from them.


EvR said…
Absolutely inspirational! Thank you Ritika for spreading such positivity!
Business woman said…
thanks ma'am your words inspire me to write better

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