With discipline succeed is gauranteed
Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways."
Discipline brings stability and structure into a person’s life. It teaches a person to be responsible and respectful. The observance of well-defined rules is the basis of society. If there were no discipline, people would do whatever they wanted and make mistakes without putting the consideration of others first and foremost. It promotes good human behavior to better society and make it a more enjoyable place for everyone to live.
The ability for an individual to have self-restraint allows them to behave in a consistently stringent and controlledp manner. A lack of this ability can have disastrous results.
Small Steps To Change Your Life And Start Moving Forward
1 Pick a goal to work towards."
Dream enormously big
Every person in the world wants to achieve some big goal in his life, to achieve which he sets a goal of his life, accordingly, he moves ahead in the path of his life. What if you want to do or become in your life? If you set such a goal in advance, then you go on becoming successful in your life. That's why you need to have a goal in your life.
2 Structure Your Life Properly
Consistency over perfection
Do you crave stability in your life? Wish you had a little more structure in your schedule? When you stick to a similar schedule and routine each week, you can actually make time for the things that matter to you. Structure helps you stay focused and get things done.
Lack of structure can make us feel unmotivated and distracted and often leads to you doing everything at the last minute. Of course, flexibility is important, but structure is necessary for creating a sense of stability and balance in your life.
3 Find meaning of your life
God has given life to all beings, but have you ever wondered why God created man. So much so that you all must know that God has made man the best among all beings. Man has much more power to think and understand than other creatures.
Meaning we can say that life is such a boon that God has given us to test. Meaning our life is our Testing Time. God wants to see that the person whom I have made faster than other creatures in every respect, what does he do in his lifetime.
4 Take your place in the world
Thoughts and thoughts go through your mind very fast. Try to catch them before it's too late. Ideally, write or sketch each one.
The world is made by us. If we become better, then the world will also become better. The world can be made better if it is achieved. If you cannot do anything at least, then the world can be made better by spreading positivity by always smiling.
5 Take yourself with care
It’s not selfish to love yourself
What do you do when office or home work is too much? Do you stop working when the work load increases? Most of us will not answer, but give extra time to our work. They wake up day and night to complete their work. Since childhood, we have been taught that every work should be completed on time.
Apart from this, we are also taught that we should think of others before ourselves. This lesson given by our elders may not be wrong, but does taking time for oneself and taking care of oneself sometimes become selfish? If your answer is yes, then you are wrong because thinking about yourself is not selfishness, but self-care, which is very important for a healthy body and mind.
6 Practice Continually
Well it's often said that "Practice makes a man perfect.”but this is only a half truth.Yes,you read it right.Only “Perfect practice makes a man perfect.”
Evreytime you practice blindly you are just amplifying your assets and repeating your mistakes .In other words, you are mastering what you are good and bad at.So my advise would be that everytime you are done practicing somethimg analyse it …and see what can be done to improve it.Instill that improved part into your next practice and make sure your strong parts remain either unaltered or become better but not worsen.
7 Counsalt your resentment
First, realize that most people's standards are probably lower than yours. If you try to lower yourself to their standard of behavior, you will lose, because they have much more practice operating at that level than you do. Worse, you'll be uncomfortable throughout, so even if you win, you lose. Maintain your own standard of behavior.
Recognize that success is the best revenge. If you resent something someone has done to you, become successful. Your success will fill your life in ways that render the resentment toward the other person irrelevant.
8 Make good friends
"A true friend, always by your side."
Your friends depend on what kind of person you are. If you are ambitious you will find friends in the same way.
There is no formula or method to make friends, the world is there. Whatever person, thing, family, society helps you to reach your goal, he is your friend and he will definitely be a good person means a good friend.
So keep yourself attached to your duty, pay attention to your development, help people in their development, not financially correct but mental and human, you will get good friends.
9 Confront sufferings
We all are aware of the fact that there are many ups and downs in human life which are sometimes pleasant and favorable and sometimes sad and unfavourable. Looking at the current situation of the world, it would not be an exaggeration to say that there are more adversities all around and the powers to deal with them are very less.
But even in the midst of such an environment, we should not forget that just as the light of the day produces diversity from the darkness of the night, the spring season is revealed by the autumn season, in the same way, from sorrow and suffering. The juice of happiness and joy comes.
Discipline is money in the bank. A real friend, true strength.”
Self-discipline is the key to building self-confidence, self-esteem, strengthening inner potential, and making lasting professional and personal improvement. It is essential for avoiding acting on impulse. Without being a disciplined individual, you can’t keep working on the same assignment after an initial rush. Your self-disciplinary nature will help you to overcome procrastination. From staying focused on the objectives to making wise selections- self-discipline is needed. From my stance, if someone wants to reach his aim successfully, then he should take measures for integrating his passion and disciplinary etiquette. Set goals smartly and be disciplined dedicatedly- to make every kind of success yours.