This is how you shut out negativity


Many times negative thoughts go home in such a way that our thinking becomes negative and only disappointment is seen in life.  The more negative thoughts are in the mind, the faster the depression will surround us.  In such a situation, it is necessary for us to make every effort to keep them away from ourselves.  If you too often get surrounded by such negative feelings, then make small changes within yourself and move yourself in a positive direction.

We all know how deadly the consequences of negative thinking are.  You have to train your brain to stop these thoughts.  In fact your mind has been trained over the years for the state it is in at the moment.  Whether we are positive or negative, it is the result of that training.  The way you trained him, now he has to be trained in a new direction.  If you have resolved to convert your negative thoughts into positivity, then you can be successful by following these things.

10  Ways To Overcome Negative 

Thoughts Patterns

1   Help others

              Selfless giving is the art of living.

Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. ... Giving in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.

2  Practice gratitude

        Always have an attitude of gratitude

Basically, the definition of gratitude is a feeling that is inherent in yourself, it allows us to be happy even in the difficult situations of your life.  When you are grateful for the life you have, you allow yourself to live life with greater joy and happiness, the fulfillment and confidence it brings to your self.  But the most challenging is to develop the feeling of gratitude or gratitude, in today's time we humans are so influenced by money, negativity, lust, greed etc. that it hinders the gratitude in our heart and it is very difficult,  Not impossible, to get rid of such effects.  If you really want to achieve gratitude make sure you practice it on a daily basis or at your convenience.

3  Don't care what others say

             Ignore the opinions of others.

This is an important question about which we all often get worried about what someone else will think. I would like to say about this that there are two types of people in our life - one is Journalized Person and one is Special Person.  Special persons are those who hold a special place in our life, and to keep them happy, we think about what they will think before doing anything good or bad. So if such people stop doing any of our work or  If we are unhappy with our behavior, then we should consider that we should not do anything that will make these people unhappy.

 But what generalized person thinks about us, we should not be bothered by it. But, one thing also.  It is to be kept in mind that we should not do anything which is violating the freedom of expression of the people of the society, that means they should not be harmed.

4   Pay attention to your inner values

      "Your values are the compass guiding                                you  to a meaningful life."

Your inner life is the realm of your private thoughts and values. Your emotions, fantasies, spirituality, capacity to love, desires, and sense of purpose. In other words, your inner life is who you are on the inside. It is where you deal with your emotions, your degree of self-awareness, your sense of clarity about life, and your capacity for calm. Your inner life is where any resiliency resides to handle a frenetic and demanding outer life, which makes it the key for a healthy wellbeing journey.

5  Be Calm

Calmness is the key to clarity

Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional peace, with no worries, fears or tensions.  In this state, the mind is calm, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom.  So, the term a 'peaceful mind' is used to describe a mental state in which there is mental and emotional peace.  It is a state where your mind is not stirred by worries and anxieties.  Mental activity is staged so as to experience calmness and calmness.  Instead of being bothered by the past or the future, your focus is on this present moment, now that you are alive.

6  Have Compassion

         We are all different. Don’t judge,                              understand instead.
The feeling of compassion, empathy or sympathy is an inner state.  It is because of other people's problems.  Of course, empathy is one of the best human qualities.  If you are able to have compassion for others, you understand other people's feelings.  It helps in building strong relationships.  It is important for everyone to feel that they are supported.
The feeling of compassion, empathy or sympathy is an inner state.  It is because of other people's problems.  Of course, empathy is one of the best human qualities.  If you are able to have compassion for others, you understand other people's feelings.  It helps in building strong relationships.  It is important for everyone to feel that they are supported.

Be Determined

Be determined, and the world will                                             adjust. 

We do not get success only by wishing, but to achieve success, one has to awaken self-confidence and at the same time need to be determined.  Determination has amazing power, with the help of which we can get not only success in our life but also freedom from worries.

 God has created man in such a way that as long as there is only one way to escape before him, then he is eager to run away than to suffer.  Such a person can get victory only when he has a firm determination in his heart that he will achieve the desired thing.

8.  Meditate

           Meditation nourishes the Mind 
Meditation is an action in which one tries to bring his mind to a particular state of consciousness.  The purpose of meditation may be to gain some benefit or meditation may be a goal in itself.  'Meditation' refers to many types of actions.  ... 'Meditation' has different meanings in different contexts.

Meditation empowers a person to conduct invocations throughout life, which leads to the quenching of disorders.  The seriousness and serious stillness of meditation creates positive situations around a person.  It gives freedom from the bonds of anger, lust, greed and attachment.  Controlling negative emotions is practiced by staying meditative.

9 .Keep Things in perspective

Focus on the bigger picture, not                                      the small hurdles. 

I consider one thing: is the event or occurrence something I can change or not? If not, move on and don’t let it drag you down. If it can be changed, is it worth the effort? Some things can be rectified , such as retaking a failed course. But that has a cost, and sometimes it has zero benefit. In any event, worry and regret have no value at all. Be positive and live life.
It means to compare something with a similar thing to give a clearer, more accurate idea. You can put your worries into perspective when you realize how many people in the world are so much worse off than you .

10   Devlop Friendship


Your friends depend on what kind of person you are. If you are ambitious you will find friends in the same way.

 There is no formula or method to make friends, the world is there.  Whatever person, thing, family, society helps you to reach your goal, he is your friend and he will definitely be a good person means a good friend.

 So keep yourself attached to your duty, pay attention to your development, help people in their development, not financially correct but mental and human, you will get good friends.


 Conquer Yourself

One way to control the mind is not to keep the mind empty.  An empty mind will be the devil's home.  In such a situation, negative thoughts can also come in the mind.  So do whatever you like.  This may be of interest to you.  Painting, singing, dancing or reading any book of your choice.  Follow this routine for a few days.  You will learn to control yourself.

Find life's meaning

why am i here?  What is my purpose?  Whats up?  Everyone asks these questions at some point or another, so don't feel alone if you're struggling with the meaning of life.  The meaning of life includes 3 distinct, but related, areas: feeling connected and valued by others, having a sense of purpose, and being able to make sense of one's own experiences.  When life seems meaningless, work on nurturing your relationships, commit to your personal goals, and remind yourself that you have a unique life story.

Develop a healthy mind

Being healthy can be different for everybody. The way to become healthy is to have an balance physically and mentally. Respect your limits. Listen to your body.

When you eat healthy, you have more energy. When you exercise, you brain learn faster, you’ll have more neuroplasticity. If you sleep well, during rester your brain will make more connections.

Being healthy mentally also mean having a circle of friends. Doing some activities outside of work just to relax is a must.


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