Advice for young people who want to be rich-Bill Gates

 Don’t take this piece of advice the wrong way. I’m not saying that you should attempt to only socialize with rich people, but you should network with people who are after the same goals as yourself. A network of people attempting to reach a common goal are far more likely to do it than a single individual.

There are more than a few ways that you can do this, one of the more obvious ones is using the social networks but you need to do this in the real world as well. Don’t burn any bridges and keep in touch with your classmates, previous and current co-workers, business partners and attempt to keep a well nurtured professional relationship with most of them. Even though a contact may seem irrelevant at the time who knows what might happen down the road.

10  Advice to young people who want to                                 be rich

1  Don't compare yourself anyone in the                                                    world

   Don't compromise yourself - you're 
                            all you have.                                                                           

It's hard to stop comparing yourself to others, nowadays everyone has to be perfect.  If we start checking our achievements and competencies, we can really move forward.  Comparing yourself with others is very common and feeling jealous of them is also a common quality.  But when you are worried about your shortcomings without thinking about your strengths, then you are going down the wrong path.  This can be a weakness on your part, and it may even prevent you from enjoying some of the most precious aspects of your life.  Your constant comparison with other people lowers your self-esteem, and makes you feel bad about yourself.  Only by seeing yourself through your own eyes can you get rid of the habit of comparing yourself.  Set goals for yourself that will boost your self-esteem and learn ways to improve your thoughts about yourself.

2  To win big you have to take big risks

                  The reward is in the risk.

Ships of water are not made to stand on shore and ships flying in the sky are also made to take risks from the air.  If both of them had not taken the risk, no one would have known them today.  If we want to move ahead in life, we have to take risks.  There is only one wall of risk between our goal and us, if we go long on that wall, then our goal will be in front of us.  Two things can happen when you take a risk or you can be successful or you can fail.  If you don't take the risk, you will surely fail.

3  Your exposure to the realities of the world at            a young age is a super big thinng

                   To be found is to be expose
  No wonder                                             so many of us are still lost.” 

Why do some trees grow to hundreds of feet tall, and others grow to only 20 feet. Why do roses come in different colors. Why won't many plants not grow in the desert and why does moss grow on trees in moist climates.

Everyone is different, they are made differently and their achievements will be different. Some success is from diligence and hard work, some comes easily, and some is surely pre-destined if one believes in that, and some people may work all their lives only to not find the same success as others - and really, it's all in how we are made what we attain.

4  You need a coatch

               A good coach can change a game

Normally some youngsters does not think too much about their future. They just continue to study without an aim or they are not sure as to what to go in for. They are not sure of their interests and aptitudes or their likes or dislikes. Sometimes they are interested in 2–3 things at the same time and are unable to decide the right choice of career.

They need guidance in this field and they need to know their own aptitude, their likes and dislikes and potential which they can utilise in a particular category.

If you show people the problems and you show people the solutions they will be moved to act

                 Identify your problems but give                              .                    your power andenergy to solutions                                                                    

Most of us at some point in our lives have taken advantage of the generosity of a friend or family member who listened to us when we were struggling, faced with a challenge or problem.  In a business context, such support and guidance is called coaching or mentoring, and in this unit you will learn to distinguish between these two methods.  You will understand some of the skills and techniques associated with training and guidance, and how to use them in your conversations with teachers, students and their parents and/or guardians.

 Increasing international evidence shows that organization leaders can significantly improve the performance of their organizations and communities through training and guidance

6  Success is a lousy  teacher.It seduces           people into thinking you can't lose


Don't Wait for Opportunity, Create it.

If you believe me, we are all successful.  But when it comes to success, we associate it with money and growing up.  There was one thing in our childhood that we used to try continuously.  He used to fall and then get up and stand up.  Meaning we never stopped trying in childhood and never gave up.  To be successful, there are a few things that should always be kept in mind.  First of all you have to determine what success means to you.  If you come to know about this then you will automatically be successful.  The dialogue of a film is "If you want something with passion, then the whole universe gathers to introduce you to it." You just have to work diligently.  There are some important things that you have to take care of.

7      Our success has been based on    partnerships from the very bigining

                  Teamwork begins by building trust

If you think of a business partnership as similar to a marriage then certain things become clear quickly. Very few people marry with the intent to divorce. They assume they’ll be married for a long time. Hopefully forever. Yet growth and change happen. What you experience when you enter into a partnership arrangement with someone is a snapshot of a point in time. You are a certain person, your partner or partners are certain people, your shared business is at a certain phase and your business would founded at a particular point in an economic cycle in a particular town or region and in a certain political climate and with a given type and number of competitors…. that list of things could go on for a while.

But each of those will change over time. The business will grow or change. The market it serves AND the condition of the economy will change. 

Your most unhappy customers are  the               greatest source of learning

                     A happy customer tells a friend
                     an unhappy customer tells the world.

If there is humility in your dealings, there is truth and honesty.  So it may take time for the business to settle down.  But when business starts to settle down, your customers will be the advertisers of your shop because of your politeness, truthfulness and honesty in your dealings.  Because this quality is late but definitely leaves an effect.  The making and deteriorating of any business or relationship depends entirely on our behavior.  Remember, you always remember any person because of his/her behavior.  In both good and bad circumstances.

Having a good relationship with customers in business does not mean building a personal relationship with them, but not building a personal relationship with them at all.  You should be absolutely professional in business and the relationship between you and your customer should be business based then your business will last longer and your business will grow more.

9  Be a good reader

                  Books are a uniquely portable magic.                       

The habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. Reading helps a great deal in building your confidence, reduces the stress and puts you in a better mood

Read More Critically: When you are reading deeply and critically, you will find yourself thinking more often about the book you're reading. ... Consider whether you agree with the book or disagree with it. Think about what makes good writing.

10  Invest in your education

              An invesment  in education always
                            pays the best interest

Its a big investment because in your life its not necessary that you will always face good situations instead of it life contains more bad situations and education helps in facing them all. Education grooms your personality and makes your thinking critical and wider. After getting education you can never be the same person as you were and this makes difference in your life. An educated person can find out more better solutions of any problem than an uneducated person. Education is also very important for females so that in life if they face a situation in which they have to support the family alone so that she is educated enough to get a good job.


EvR said…
ER - Another inspirational piece but one dedicated more for the young generations. Great pointers to follow. Congrats Ritika👏

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