Accomplish Anything

 Have hope in yourself because a person who has hope in himself never faces defeat in his life!  Whatever it is, expect in everything, just like people expect from you!  You can be successful in everything you do, just don't let your hopes break.  If you can't keep hope in yourself, then trust in God!

If you can keep your thinking positive then you can achieve success in everything because you will become what you think!  When your thinking is positive then you think well and you start doing everything with good thinking so always keep your thinking positive.

Tips to Achieve Anything You Want in Life

1  Plan Your Project

               Plans are nothing; planning is                                                           everything

Identify the purpose of your action plan”: Action plans are made with many objectives.  Set the objective in the beginning so that you can prepare properly.  Keep in mind that most action plans are for a fixed time period (ie 6 months to 1 year.

  Work plans at work help your supervisor know what projects you'll be working on over the next few months.  These are often created after annual work appraisals, or when teams work on larger projects.  Action plans may also result from your organization's policy planning sessions that are held at the beginning of a new calendar or financial year.

2  Update Yourself

    Those who cannot change their minds                 cannot change anything.

Update, in my sense means getting acquainted to your surroundings. It includes everything. Your situations, your problems, your society, your country, technology, behavior, animals, birds…….anythings which comes or might come in your way. In much better sense whatever you see you got to know about it.

These changes, no matter whether they seem good or bad at the time, will teach you something new. External change makes you more flexible, more understanding and prepares you for the future. Just as internal change will encourage you to progress, external change will give you the experience and drive to push forward.

3 Take Action On Your Work

        Dreams don't work unless you take                                      action

You have to detach from external objects. Instead of doing thing to seek the approval, validation and acceptance of others, you do it because you know what you want and the vision you want for your life.

Then you just go and get the job done.

Once you are crystal clear on what you want your life to look like and why, and you see the vision clearly then you can create the long big goals.

You can break anything down into daily, weekly, monthly daily goals to lead you to big massive goals.

4  Change Your Environment


       What surrounds us is what is within us.

Our surroundings matter a lot. They are input to our sub conscious mind. Example, if we have natural surroundings, we tend to be more calm but if we are surrounded by noise and traffic we tend to be more aggressive.

Surroundings can distract us or motivate us ,and affect our efforts in the pursue of our goals.

By making alterations in your physical environment and your setting, you create powerful subconscious motivators that make working towards your goals far easier.

5 Get Rid Of Stagnating Thoughts

   Many times, the thought of fear itself is                  greater than what it is we fear

Thoughts are the enemy, friend, relative or fate of man.  A man whose thoughts are favorable to him finds all kinds of people, situations and fates favourable.  When thoughts are corrupted, the environment becomes polluted and friend becomes enemy and success becomes failure.

 It is not so easy to adapt thoughts. Thoughts are gradually controlled.  All passionate thoughts make the mind weak.  Many people are very upset with their thoughts.  They want to get their bad thoughts out of their mind, but those thoughts get stronger and stronger.  Sometimes man has been seen to be neurotic in such a state.

 This type of condition is the result of mental weakness.  This mental weakness arises from repeatedly allowing passionate thoughts to enter the mind.  By trying to keep the thoughts under control at all times, the will power of man becomes strong.

6 Avoid Distractions

                        Get rid of distractions

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

Often we find it difficult to concentrate on the important things.  Many reasons can be responsible for mind wandering, apart from stress, smartphones, TV and everyday things can be included.

Thoughts sometimes become the cause of our fear and this is also the reason for the wandering of the mind.  If you want to get out of it, then sit down calmly and let the thoughts come in your mind.  Good and bad experiences, fear, anger, hatred, love, attachment or compassion, whatever else may be the emotion, just don't stop it from coming in your mind.  Connect yourself completely with whatever emotion comes to your mind.  Gradually you will see that your mind will start to overcome its fear.  It is not easy, it is not difficult either.  Just need a few days of practice.

7 Take Risks In Life

       Life is either a daring adventure or                                 nothing at all

Risk means risk, it is said that not taking risk is the biggest risk.  All the successful motivational speakers have told this thing from their experiences that you should follow such people who are successful or fail, because whatever they do, they may fail again and again but one day they will definitely be successful.  On the other hand most of the people keep on giving only superficial advice without doing anything.  One should stay away from such people because these people are sharing knowledge by staying in the safe zone.  They have never entered or will ever enter the field.  Will give only blank knowledge which will not be useful in any way.

 It has also been said that to learn to swim one has to get into the water.

8  Act On Your Ideas

             Everything begins with an idea

 vote for idea implementation. Ideas are everywhere. It is what you do with an idea that makes a difference. Have an idea for world peace? Great. Unless you do something with it, it doesn’t make a difference.

It is true with business as well. Ideas are not worth money: implementing ideas is. Until you have a product or service there is nothing that can be purchased. So economically, implementation is more profitable.

To do any work, you should not look at the burden of that work, you should see that if you do that work, then what is the benefit you can get.  Therefore, if you are doing or going to do any work, then think well, you can think that how can you make it easier, when you start doing this, then you do not need to focus your mind on that work itself.  Will tell you to do it again and again.


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