How To Increase Our Value

 Do you want to increase your value?  Do you want everyone to respect you?  We hope you want to increase your value.  Let us know in this post.

 Everyone wants others to respect him and have value for what he says.  It happens to many people that whatever they do or say, but no one values ​​that person.

 There are also some people whose value of every thing and work exceeds the other limit.  There is a difference of some things between these two human beings.

 By including which you can increase your respect.  Let us know how you can increase your value.

Tips for How to increase your value

1  Love Yourself

                         Embrace Your Worth"                                                           
People don't love me because I don't look pretty.  My complexion is black... Always undermining yourself or criticizing yourself all the time shows that you don't love yourself.  By criticizing like this, you are not only highlighting your shortcomings, but you are weakening your morale and promoting negativity in your thinking.  Experts also believe that when we criticize ourselves or think negatively all the time, our body releases stress hormones and you become more stressed.  But loving yourself does not mean that you become selfish.  Here it is a matter of self-care.  This is the best way to boost your morale.  If you want people to be attracted to you or understand your existence, then first learn to love yourself

  Be mindful of your self-thought                                 

                  "Mind Your Mindset"                
Write down thoughts in a diary: Writing in a journal is a great way to monitor your feelings and thoughts over time.  You may already be writing when you realize that you are doing the reward of self-criticism, but it will also reflect everything you feel and think about, as well as the motives behind these things.  Make it a daily habit.

 Turn it into a daily practice, time to write in a diary.  It's a good idea to put an alarm on your phone or put a reminder on your calendar.  That way you won't forget to write every day

 Learn about patterns and trends to see how you react to situations

 Write down the times you take away from your inner critic, but also those in which you can silence him.

3   "Be True, Be Transparent

                       "Authenticity Matters"                    

Most people feel there’s some solid core to their identity, and they have an “authentic” self. In that sense, to be authentic means to live in a way that corresponds to the person you believe yourself to be. You are you. You don’t imitate others, you don’t pretend to be something you’re not. You remain true to yourself, and people sense that you are being very sincere, straightforward, and honest in the way you present yourself to the world. An inauthentic person hides who they are, and presents a false image to the world. 
An authentic person is more transparent, and lets people see them for who they are. People who live in an inauthentic way are often unhappy, insecure, and frustrated because no one really knows them. They worry about criticism and rejection. An authentic person is generally more at peace with themselves and with the world, because they’re living the way the want to live, and they don’t care what others think. 

4  "Don't Feed Negative Energy"

              Invest in People Who Lift You"                                        
People come into your life for a reason; the negative people usually are there to teach you what you don't want to become, treat you how you don't want to be treated, and to show you what you don't deserve. Embrace them, let them teach you, and then let them go… Be friendly to everyone, but don’t have everyone as a friend. Our experiences with both positive and negative people allow us to learn and grow.

Understand that other people have a lot less authority over you than you, and they, think.

5  Don't be too available to anyone

Set Limits, Gain Respect"
You are not always available to people Your being always available to people shows how empty you are and your being empty reduces the value of you because they know we can go to it whenever they want it is free .
 There is no need for them to take appointment from you.  They don't appreciate you because you are always available for them, you are sitting at night when they need you, it doesn't mean that you are never available for anyone, don't be so expensive that people can't call you and  Don't be so cheap that people keep making you dance and don't think how others will feel, think how you will feel when no one appreciates you and doesn't value you.  In your life, you should give maximum importance to your life and should help others.  

6  Be Self Reliant

"Be Independent"

Be financially independent, It will be difficult to do this because our parents have an innate tendency to take care of our needs.  You politely refuse to take financial help from them.  It is tempting to depend financially on others, but one must become self-reliant before experiencing freedom.  Secure your income  True self-reliant life depends on economic independence.  Pay your own bills, drive your own car, pay your own rent.

 If you don't have money for these expenses, save money fast.  Depositing money will not only give financial freedom, but own money also gives the feeling and inspiration of incomparable freedom.

7  Learn To Speak Less And Listen More

                  "Silence is Golden, Listen Well"                           
Speak only when it is necessary. Before you speak, think whether what you are about to say is really important or not.  Refrain from speaking when you are not making a significant contribution to a conversation

 People give more importance to those who choose their words carefully.  If someone is giving his opinion on everything or telling stories, then people stop paying attention to him over time.  If you have a habit of over-talking, you will also get into the habit of sharing useless information.

8  Improve Your Personality

.                      "Level Up Your Life                                                                     

Personality is a set of characteristics or qualities that make you different from others.  These characteristics are automatically revealed when someone speaks or uses body language to express themselves.

 Similarly, personality is also interpreted by the audience.  When you introduce yourself you are usually the first to state your name and some expected things about yourself while the fact is that you still shy away from giving out too much information other than just your name.  Even before you describe yourself verbally, the way you present yourself to someone tells a lot about you and your personality.  Your personality becomes your identity everywhere, be it your home, your environment, your school, your college and your place of work.

9 Invest In Yourself

                 Cultivate Your Inner Garden"

Who doesn't want to be successful in their life?  Have you ever wondered how people become financially independent and enjoy a luxurious life.  This is because they believe in investing their time and money in themselves.  Their priority is to become knowledgeable and hence, they work on their self-development.

 To be successful, you have to work on learning new skills every day and at the same time take care of your health.  Investing in yourself will be your best investment ever as it will improve your odds of increasing your income which will give you the best results.

10  Become An Exepert

Un                      Achieve Greatness                         

One of the most common things I hear from professionals when discussing reputation in the workplace is that they want to be seen as an expert. Whether you’re an administrative professional, a CEO, or a NASA engineer, expertise is something to strive for.

 Experts know their stuff. They have vast pools of knowledge and can be relied on to provide accurate, insightful answers to even the toughest questions within their field of expertise. They have an abundance of wisdom, experience, and capability—and they aren’t afraid to use it. Colleagues at all levels sit up and take notice when an expert enters the room.


EvR said…
Ritika did it again! This is excellent, esp. regarding “Don’t be available to everyone” Good Vibes Only” “….Listen @ Speak Less”
seo writer said…
Thank you so much

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