Learn To Enjoy Every Minute Of Your Life

 Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.  Be happy now  Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.  Think about how much precious time you have to spend, whether at work or with your family.

1  Make peace with your past

     Make peace with your past and make              room to welcome your future

Moving forward is the key to a healthy life.  If you stick to one thing and don't accept change, we will never move forward.  Similarly, if we do not move forward by accepting the fact that life is not that easy and you get the best that you deserve, then we will not grow emotionally either.

 Difficulties, bad times and difficulties are meant to strengthen us and not weaken us.  Lessons learned should always be taken positively.  And stop playing hunting.  People go through very bad things that are beyond imagination and still move on.

2  Realize how lucky or blessed you are.

                  Every day is a blessing

Yes indeed. Life is beautiful. Its not always if appreciate life, i also have my ups and downs, even right now, going through whole lot of issues, but still, that doesn’t refrain me from continuing the efforts to make things happen, to put things in my favor. When i feel very low, and thoughts like why me comes, i look at people around me and I realize , i am still far better and privileged. Then I thank GOD and ask Him to help me and guide me.

I always try to look at the positive side of the life rather then cribbing about the negative things.

3  You need to learn to forgive yourself

  Give rest to the problems weighing you                                   down

Forgiveness is difficult. Accepting that there is a problem, and so arriving at a solution requires time, patience, and courage. When we have to forgive ourselves for what we've done, the process can be even more complicated.  Is.  Therefore, there is no easy path to forgiveness.  However, you know who you are and to understand that life is a journey, not a rush, you too will be able to forgive yourself.

4  Maintain balance in your life

               Live a life that is well balanced                                     

If you want to maintain balance in your life then for this you need to have good mental health.  In today's time, the increasing work pressure on people creates stress in them and when someone is stressed it spoils their mental health.  You cannot believe any one reason behind stress, there are many reasons behind it.

As the old saying goes, healthy body, healthy mind.  Hence a great way to maintain your mental health and keep yourself healthy.  For this you need to exercise regularly and eat healthy food.  Only then do you maintain balance in your lifestyle.

5  Never leave ’till tomorrow which you                                                     can do today

                         Change your life today              

Postponing work is a sign of laziness.  Our memory power is also not so unique thatwe can adopt the tendency to do the postponed work tomorrow because we may forget tomorrow.  So it would be better if one has peace of mind in doing some work immediately or else keep thinking that such work has to be done tomorrow.

 Otherwise, write down in your small diary tonight the things to be done in order of priority.  For example, if you want to work in different places in the market, then make a note in the diary at night itself and in this way go on doing one thing after the other in the sequence.  This will save your time as well as mental trouble

6  Enjoy the things that money cannot buy

         Money cannot purchase joy. It buys                          temporary distractions.

Many people think that happiness can be achieved with the help of money or that you need money to be happy but there are some of us who believe that the best thing in life is freedom.  There are many things that can make us really happy without charging any cost.  Friends, family, relationships are all precious.  Such things cannot be bought and that is the real happiness.  Many believe that money or comfort can make them happy or that they can buy things they believe can make them happy.

Happiness is a feeling we seek within ourselves as human beings.  One thing can make a person happy for a while but happiness is for a lifetime.  If one thinks that money can buy happiness, then it is not true happiness.

7  Know your worth

K           Know as you go is the new Paradigm

Importance by which we can speak ability.  That is, our ability, we all know this and also want to become big. But, sometimes it happens, that we take decisions without knowing our abilities at the behest of someone else.  We don't understand, what are our abilities?

Instead of working on our abilities, we want to see profits, and that's why it happens to us, that we start some work but don't finish it.  We do think.  What will be our future?  What do we want to be?  But to achieve that, we do not work on our own abilities.  That's why all this happens.  Because, our goal is not the same and if we have to make ourselves successful.  So you have to believe in yourself.

Eat healthy live health

 "Peat is a necessity, but to eat     intelligently is an art.

Eat the right amount of calories according to your activity, so that you can balance the energy you use with the energy you consume.  If you eat or drink too much, you will gain weight.  If you eat and drink very little, you will lose weight.

 Eat a variety of foods to ensure that your body gets a balanced diet.  And your body can get all the nutrients it needs.

9  Daily exercise

      Exercise is a celebration of what your                                                    body can do

By doing regular exercise, the muscles remain healthy, as well as the flow of blood in the body is also better.  If you exercise daily, it helps a lot to activate the brain cells as well.

 Regular exercise reduces the problems associated with blood pressure.  Experts say that women who exercise daily, their risk of getting high blood pressure is reduced by up to 75 percent.  In addition to regular light exercise, aerobics has also been found useful in controlling blood pressure in various researches.

10  Check which hobbies are right for you

   A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.

Sometimes we are drawn to what we wish to do and sometimes we are drawn to what we think we’ll be good at. Both serve different purposes in our journey. A hobby is a space where you should feel free to make mistakes, jump, and not care what people think. That’s the beauty of a hobby over a job or a space where you’re responsible for others. So I say, think about something you really want to be able to do and just try it. Be patient with yourself, enjoy the process, and don’t “expect” yourself to be any different than you are. Another thing that’s nice about a hobby is that you will meet people who have common interest as well .


EvR said…
Very inspirational and motivational👏 Great wisdom for a productive and balanced lifestyle!

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