If you want to control the subconscious mind, then there is only one way to do that work with full feelings till you get it.
To get to the subconscious mind you have to do two things -
First - Working with Flower Feelings
Second - consistency in work
Our subconscious mind is like wet soil, just like pressing wet soil makes a mark on it, in the same way with full feelings, when we do any work with stability, its voice reaches the subconscious mind and our subconscious It leaves its mark on the mind, then even the biggest of things start to seem small to us.
To get to the subconscious mind, you have to wake up your subconscious mind, tell it that you want to do this work or want to get it, then get involved in that work with all your heart and keep consistency, in a few days you will see that thing. Or the thing has become a habit in your habit, now you do not have to work as hard as you had to do in the beginning, because now you have left the impression of that work on your subconscious mind.
Our subconscious mind is like a ship of water and our conscious mind is like a captain. The captain can take the ship in any direction he wants. The ship will never tell the captain where you are taking me. It just depends on the decision of the Captain. Similarly, we have to awaken the subconscious mind through the conscious mind. Our subconscious mind does what the conscious mind tells it to do.
Ways To Start Training Your Subconscious Mind To Get What You Want
1 Plan Tonight, Conquer Tomorrow"
Prep for Success"
If you want to make the coming day better, then for the work you have to do tomorrow, we would say, plan the whole day a day before in the evening.And after doing all the planning, go to sleep at the proper time so that you have enough hours to sleep.
Repeat the affirmation before sleeping
When you lie down on your bed, turn off your TV and close your eyes, calm your body and repeat your yesterday's work 1 or 2 times in your mind. After that I am going for a good night's sleep and I am happy going to sleep to wake up fresh and energetic now you can sleep comfortably without any tension in the morning you will get new energy for work.
2 Review your goals
Believe, Review, Achieve"
The key habit to actualizing your goals: Review your goals at least once a week. Let's be honest: if you don't think about your goals, you won't make them happen. If you aren't doing anything about your goals, they are just wishes. (If you haven't set your goals yet, I highly recommend you do so.
By reviewing your main goal(s) daily, you keep them at the forefront of your mind. This way, you ensure you direct your time, energy and attention at the most important thing every single day — making it much easier to say 'no' to other opportunities that could derail your focus.
3 Practice gratitude before going to bed
Gratitude is a great virtue. Gratitude means showing respect to another person by being reverent for the best and excellent help done towards oneself. We would like to express our gratitude to us for any and any kind of help and say that 'we are grateful to you, indebted to you and in return we will definitely serve you whenever the opportunity arises.' Gratitude is the quintessential attribute of humanity.
It gives us the impression that directly and indirectly in any form and anytime if any person has provided any cooperation and help, then if we cannot do anything for it, then we must express our gratitude from the heart. On the contrary, ingratitude is a demonic instinct, which separates a person from humanity.
4 Ask your subconscious mind
Choose Health, Choose Happiness"
I am here to tell you that the most powerful tool in the universe you currently have is... your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind knows everything. It has all the answers if you use it correctly. May it lead you to a life of harmony, wealth, health, joy and success! It is possible with all aspects of your life.
it's not your fault. You were never taught how to use your brain. The past is over and today can be a new beginning. It doesn't matter what happened before today, it matters what is happening from today. You must trust your subconscious mind and know that it can allow you to live a life of joy and success.
Meditate Tonight, Shine Tomorrow"
This method is very basic. It was used a lot—especially by the Buddha. And there are many types of this method. For example, when you fall asleep at night, you start falling into a deep sleep, then remember your life for the whole day. The direction of this remembrance will be reversed, that is, do not start it in the morning and start from where you are. You are lying in bed now, so start by lying on the bed and roll back. And thus walking back step by step, come to that first incident of the morning when you woke up from sleep, in this sequence of past remembrance, remember continuously that you are separate, untouched by the whole incident.