Be a Girl with a mind, a Woman with attitude, and a Lady with class.

 It has been seen on many occasions that women are treated with low status.  They are refused to give big responsibilities even in their offices.  Many women consider this treatment to be their fate and make their living with what is happening to them.  But it is not so with everyone.  There are also many such examples of women in the society who are an inspiration for young girls.  Among them there are such girls whose own family was not ready to support them but they changed the ideology of the society on their own.

How to be a confident,smart and intelligent woman

1  Speak Elegantly

                "Words have power, use them                                              wisely."       

Articulating yourself on a daily basis doesn't need to be over complicated or stressful. Speaking like an elegant woman means knowing how to speak eloquently and carefully watch how you say things, what you say in different circumstances (not to mention who is around you) and also why you say it.

Words make up only 7% of our speech.  Your body language is very important, your voice, your way of speaking, your body posture, tone of speaking.  There are many things that can make you an expert in the art of speaking.

 You have many ideas, but if you do not know how to present them well, then those ideas have no value even if they were very important ideas.  But those who know how to keep their ideas well, express them well, then they will also be heard, will be accepted, and will also be appreciated.  

2  Develop your professional skill

                        "Grow professionally."           
A professional is a member of a profession who is selected on the basis of specific academic training.  Those who earn income by using their intelligence; like doctors, engineers, chartered accountants, lawyers etc.  These people earn income by providing their services.

 Traditionally, the term professional means a person who has obtained a degree in a professional field.  The term professional is commonly used for individuals working at the 'white collar' level, or for those who work professionally in areas normally reserved for amateurs.

Boosting Your Self-Esteem

       Build confidence, build a brighter life."

Engage in self-hypnosis.  Use affirmations - positive statements that can boost your self-esteem.  According to psychologists, these statements should not be directed towards the future, but towards the present.  For example, "I deserve the best", "I love and appreciate myself", "I am so beautiful".  You can write such or similar phrases beautifully on a piece of shiny paper and hang it next to your bed.  And then your morning will start with a positive, joyful note.

 • Engage in visualization.  When your self-esteem starts to drop, take time, sit back in your chair, and start to consider yourself successful.  Repeat in your memory all those moments where luck and success were with you.  Remember this vivid sensation and feel it.  Temporary failure is not a reason to be lame and discouraged.

4  Girls deserve financial independence."

              Financial independence for all."                          

When we look around we see that women are increasingly embracing financial literacy and independence with zeal and eagerness. We see that most of us have the utmost freedom to access resources and we have a strong support system backing us. But this is not the story for the majority of women as several barriers, limit women their access to and use of financial services.

  If we want our nation to grow and if we want our society to prosper we will have to take steps to empower, encourage and promote women to gain financial independence.

5  Take Personality Development Classes


              "Become the best version of you."

Understanding the areas of personal growth is important because it can help you explore where to make improvements in your life, which may increase your job satisfaction and help you advance your career. It can also allow you to determine your strengths and develop in areas that might need improvement.

 You may find that certain categories of personal growth relate to your career more than others, and you can choose to focus on those to enhance your opportunities for professional achievement.

6  Do Exercise Daily

       Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles.

Exercising is as important for our body as eating or drinking water.  Regular exercise keeps us fit not only physically but also mentally.  But inculcating the habit of exercising regularly is not an easy task.  Talking about women, office and household work is a hindrance in their fitness to some extent.

According to health experts, the habit of regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart diseases.  Exercise strengthens the heart and it is also very beneficial in improving your blood circulation.  Due to the proper flow of blood, the oxygen level in the body remains better.  It is very beneficial for keeping your heart as well as other parts of the body healthy.  Regular exercise also keeps blood pressure and triglyceride levels low, which are known to be factors in heart diseases.

7  Wear the right fit

                      Dress Classy and Elegant

Today the fashion industry is so developed that every day new fashion trends are introduced and new masterpieces are created.  Clothing and footwear offers are full of abundance and variety.  How not to get lost in it?  Huge selection and choose exactly what you need to create your own unique style?  Many, in search of an answer to this question, do not leave the Internet, ask friends and relatives, or seek advice from a professional stylist.  

But, first of all, you need to determine for yourself what the style is, give preference to clothing and understand whether you are ready to blindly follow the latest fashion trends.  In addition, it is very important to understand what you want to show off with your chosen style, and how to express your personality through clothing.

Develop Reading Habit

                 "Get lost in books, find yourself."

If you do not have the habit of reading at all, then start giving 5 to 10 minutes of your day to books every day, for this new beginning of yours, first start your reading habit with some of your work which you do daily.  For example, when you are drinking tea or coffee or when you are going to sleep.  Actually, when you start reading books at the same time every day, after some time your mind will prepare itself for reading books and you yourself will feel after some time that if you do 10 minutes everyday in the whole day, if you do four  Once you have read a book, then in the whole day you are now taking out 40 minutes to improve your reading habit.

The easiest way to develop reading habits is to start reading books of your choice.  Start with some books that you enjoy.  If you have started reading a book and you are not finding it very interesting, then in such a situation, choose the book of your choice.

9   Don't pretend to be what you're not

              Authenticity is beauty."           

Each of us showed off once in our life.  But we learn quickly that it's a lie that doesn't last, and we get caught and face the consequences and know it's a stupid thing to do.  But some people grew up and never saw direct results, and made it a habit to quickly gain power and status.  But the consequences of such behavior tend to snowball.

 Being caught lying about who you are isn't the worst part.  It is the fact that the individual cannot accept his realities, and never makes a genuine effort to change that fact.  Their soul is peeled away, they forget who they are, they have never developed a self worthy of respect by both the society and themselves.  This is the real disappointment.

10  Travel More

                     Explore new horizons."

When you go on a journey  So many types of problems have to be faced in completing that journey.  You have to solve all these problems yourself.  You meet new people by removing the hesitation from inside you.  talk to them.  Goes to new places alone  All these things make you sociable and adventurous.

 Travel gives us the opportunity to get acquainted with many new things.  Meet different types of people, get to know new customs, learn new languages, get acquainted with new types of costumes, taste new types of food.  Whatever we have read in books, we feel it in some direct way.



Anonymous said…
Wonderful share my friend... Every single day is a wonderful day for progress and change. Live today like it's your very last for maximum success.
Business woman said…
Agreed 💯 and thank you very much

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