Make The Universe Work for You

 First, you need to believe with all your heart that it is going to happen.

 Then just open your heart outside at night, look up and say with your voice what you want (your wish), think of God and then all the stars, planets and everything you know about the universe.  But close your eyes.  Imagine that the universe is your genie and God is the one who fulfills your wish.  Imagine that he is signing a paper which contains your wish.  Say "Thank you so much for your effort to make me feel safe and thank you for the wish. I hope I deserve will work,

Laws of the universe.How you can use them in your  favor

1 Grateful to the Universe

Law of attraction works.You have to be grateful for the universe for what you are already blessed with stay in touch with your goal Have faith in your capabilities and power of universe.

                             Feeling of gratitude

You have to develop a habit of saying positive things about yourself.Its almost like tricking your mind sometimes because although you may not necessarily feel that way,you will get into the habit of thinking positive things about yourself subconsciously

2 Have faith in the power of the universe

In the beginning I also felt that the law of attraction worked in such a way that I asked for a sign from an angel and received it within 1 hour, since then I have faith that the universe will work for me. Thank you universe.

                 To the mind that is still, the whole 
                               universe  surrenders

Don't let your anxiety and fear win.  Visualize everything you want to see come true.  Literally imagine the best-case scenario in your mind.  While preparing to go to bed, making a vision board, or even while talking on your phone, visualize your wish coming true.  Always think positive thoughts to be sure to visualize the right outcome!

3  You  should express your thoughts and desires clearly to the universe

The universe will yeild to you if you are focused Whenever you ask something from the universe, ask very happily, the universe catches your vibes.

         It is important to be specific about what
                                 we want and why. 

Whatever you need to do is address a sentence or an idea directly to the universe. Make sure your request is clear, objective know and direct. If you do not really know what you want to know, do not do this or ask for inspiration for your day or get a message that is important to you. 

4 Your intuition should be very strong

Intuition is guidance by the Spirit, which manifests naturally in man in those moments;  When its mind is at peace…. The goal of the science of yoga is to calm the mind so that it can listen to the infallible advice of the inner voice without being distorted.  "Solve all your problems with 'meditation',"

                 Intuition is seeing with the soul

With the knowledge we get in this world, we lead our physical life, but spiritual life requires intuition, sometimes our intuition shows us the right path from the problems of material life.

5  Prayers To The Universe To Manifest What You Want

It is very important for every person to know prayer psychology.  Prayer is one of the most powerful methods of channeling the suppressed impulses and impressions of the mind.  You can express all those things in front of yourself which you do not want to do to anyone.  In prayer, the higher being of spiritual consciousness is a pattern that you create or that you bring before you.  Then you offer Him the total utterance of your heart.  By this the mind becomes pure, it becomes relaxed.

  Universe, I surrender my agendas, timelines,                       and desires to you. 

 When the mind becomes calm then the gross body experiences it.  The tension of different parts of the body including the heart gets relaxed.  That is why prayer has immediate significance and absolute relevance to one's daily life.  But when you talk about spiritual sacrament through prayer, prayer has an even deeper meaning.



Anonymous said…
Really love this one my superior friend. There is nothing more wonderful or meaningful to this world than the Empowered woman. Keep educating and keep shining
Business woman said…
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Business woman said…
If a woman is uneducated, she will always be unable to adapt her life to the pace of the world. If she becomes educated, not only his family life will be heavenly, but also the era of progress of the society and the nation will be ushered in.

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