Unlock Your Brain Capacity
God has given the same mind to every person, but still some achieve great success in life and some remain unsuccessful. Similarly, it is seen in the school also where some students pass the examination with full marks. At the same time some other students are also unable to get passing marks. And they blame their mind that God has given them less brain. Actually the fact of having more or less brain is totally irrational and ability of mind depends on this. how much and how you use your brain Today, through this article, we will tell you about some such tricks, with the help of which you can use 100% of your brain's capacity and achieve success in every area of life: Ways to Unlock Your Mind Power to Be More Successful 1 Learn How To Handle Faliure Don't Fear Failure, Face it" Life is not built on the rare successes we experience, it is built on the reaction we have to the m...