Don't Consume Your Mind With Negativity

Be it good or bad, every thought of man has a definite value and effect. This is as authentic as the laws of chemistry. Thoughts are considered to be the basis of happiness and sorrow from other people who come in contact with success-failure. In the direction in which the thoughts are oriented, the corresponding elements get attracted and collect in the human mind. An all-pervading life-wave is moving in the entire creation. The thoughts of every human being flow everywhere in that wave, which is as eternal as that wave. That one wave flows through all beings. The type of person whose thought-stream is there, the thoughts found in the life-wave make a residence with him in his psyche. The corrupt or innocent thought of man will attract other thoughts corresponding to him from the all-pervading life-wave and settle them with him and thus will increase his caste. The whole life of man is molded in the mold of his thoughts. 10 Ru...