What You Want To Be Tomorrow,You Got To Do Today

Living in the present is a great policy, but it is also very important to decide where we want to reach in the next 5 years! Yet, often due to many reasons we deviate from the goal, we are not able to reach it. If you have not set goals for yourself then your life will go on and when you look back later you might regret that you have not achieved anything special! The goal gives a right direction to the person, tells him which work is necessary for him and which is not! When we move forward keeping our eyes on the goal, then one day we will achieve it! Yes, on this path we fall, then rise, fall again and rise again! These things make us strong from inside and when we reach the goal, we automatically feel that how much we have achieved during this journey! You Need To Do This Daily 1 Value Today Don’t watch the clock; do what it ...