How To Achieve 100% Of Your Goal

What you want to achieve, remind yourself again and again why you want to achieve it, and what you will get by achieving it! ‘What is the motivation before achieving?’ Remind yourself again and again, because we tend to forget it. And what will be achieved after the achievement, what is its result, also remind yourself again and again, because they also forget again and again. Why forget these two, because the motivation to achieve is behind, first, invisible, not visible. The hard work to achieve is in front, sweat breaks out in it, it is visible and it feels bad, and even if you have not got what you get by achieving, then that too is not visible, only what is visible, that which You want to do it, how much effort is being put into it, and the mind is lazy. So remember what is there in addition to what you see. Ways to Reach Your Full Potential Every Day 1 Take Action Now Let today be the day where you rise ...